Ekaterina Popova
Research and Publications
Education, degrees
Economics and management at the enterprise (construction), Irkutsk State Technical University
Continuing education
Master engineer, Irkutsk State Technical University
Teacher-researcher, Irkutsk National Research Technical University
Professional Interests
1. Combined mobile units for life support systems with simulation of the operation of a rotating pneumohydraulic aerator El. Collection of materials of the business program of the ECWATECH-2016 forum
2. Study of the use of energy-saving installations of life support systems for nature protection areas Pec. Construction and technogenic safety: scientific and technical journal on construction and architecture
2018. No. 12(64) S. 91-99
3. Use of microbial fuel cells and solar collectors in the multifunctional energy container IOP Conf. Series Materials Science and Engineering
4. Evaluation of the technological process of wastewater treatment with analyzes of samples at different stages of treatment of the sewage treatment plant on the left bank of the city of Irkutsk Pech. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. 2018. S. 128-133
5. Research on the use of an integrated mobile installation for life support systems in special nature protection areas of Pec. Construction and technogenic safety. 2019. No. 16 (68). pp. 117-128
2. Study of the use of energy-saving installations of life support systems for nature protection areas Pec. Construction and technogenic safety: scientific and technical journal on construction and architecture
2018. No. 12(64) S. 91-99
3. Use of microbial fuel cells and solar collectors in the multifunctional energy container IOP Conf. Series Materials Science and Engineering
4. Evaluation of the technological process of wastewater treatment with analyzes of samples at different stages of treatment of the sewage treatment plant on the left bank of the city of Irkutsk Pech. Materials of the All-Russian scientific-practical conference. 2018. S. 128-133
5. Research on the use of an integrated mobile installation for life support systems in special nature protection areas of Pec. Construction and technogenic safety. 2019. No. 16 (68). pp. 117-128