Andrei Vakhromeev
Research and Publications
Doctor of Sciences, Geological and Mineralogical Sciences
Education, degrees
Hydrogeological engineer, Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute
Honorary diploma of the Minister of Energy of the Russian Federation "For merits in the development of the fuel and energy complex" (2014)
Commemorative badge of public encouragement of the governor "80 years of the Irkutsk region" (2017)
Honorary Diploma of the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Irkutsk Region, (2018)
Honorary title "Honored Worker of Industry of the Irkutsk Region, (2018)
Gratitude of RN-Burenie LLC, 2021; IZK SB RAS (2016, 2021).
Since 2011 - member of the Dissertation Council of the IGC SB RAS for the defense of candidate and doctoral dissertations D 003.022.01.
Since 2018, he has been a member of the editorial board of the journal Construction of Oil and Gas Wells Onshore and Offshore. - Russian State University of Oil and Gas. Gubkin. - Moscow
Since 2020 - Expert RAS
Professional Interests
Ruzhich V.V., Vakhromeev A.G., Levina E.A., Sverkunov S.A., Shilko E.V. Control of seismic activity in tectonic fault zones using vibrations and fluid injection in deep well
Dmitriev A.G., Levi K.G., Vakhromeev A.G. Study of the neotectonic structure of the bed of the Bratsk reservoir
Valery V. Ruzhich, Andrey G. Vakhromeev, Elena A. Levina and Evgeny V. Shilko On the control of slip modes and seismic activity of faults using drilling fluid injection
Shemin G.G., Vernikovsky V.A., Smirnov M.Yu., Vakhromeev A.G., Filimonova I.V., Moiseev S.A., Migursky A.V. Tectonic, lithofacies, geochemical conditions of formation and quantitative assessment of the oil and gas potential of the Ereminsko-Chonsky giant accumulation of oil and gas.
Vakhromeev A.G., Smirnov A.S., Mazukabzov A.M., Shutov G.Ya., Gorlov I.V., Misyurkeeva N.V. Ogibenin V.V. Upper Lena Arched Uplift the Main Object of Preparation of the Hydrocarbon Resource Base in the South of the Siberian Platform
Smirnov A.S., Vakhromeev A.G., Kurchikov A.R., Gorlov I.V. Identification and mapping of fluid-saturated anisotropic fractured reservoirs of the Kovykta gas condensate field
Vakhromeev A.G., Ivanishin V.M., Sverkunov S.A., Polyakov V.N., Razyapov R.K. Deep well as a stand for hydraulic "on-line" studies of the stress state of a rock mass in fluid-saturated fractured reservoirs
Ruzhich Valery V. Sergey G. Psakhie, Evgeny V. Shilko, Andrey G. Vakhromeev, and Elena A. Levina. On the possibility of development of the technology for managing seismotectonic displacements in fault zones
Seminsky K.Zh., Sankov V.A., Ogibenin V.V., Burzunova Yu.P., Miroshnichenko A.I., Gorbunova E.A., Gorlov I.V., Smirnov A.S., Vakhromeev A. .G., Buddo I.V. Tectonophysical approach to the analysis of geological and geophysical data in gas condensate fields with a complex structure of the platform cover.
Vakhromeev A.G., Danilova E.M., Razyapov R.K., Sverkunov S.A. Geodynamic aspect of the study of complex mining and geological conditions of the oldest natural carbonate reservoirs of oil and gas of the Riphean (on the example of the Baikit oil and gas fields)
Ruzhich V.V., Vakhromeev A.G., Levina E.A., Sverkunov S.A., Shilko E.V. Control of seismic activity in tectonic fault zones using vibrations and fluid injection in deep well
Dmitriev A.G., Levi K.G., Vakhromeev A.G. Study of the neotectonic structure of the bed of the Bratsk reservoir
Valery V. Ruzhich, Andrey G. Vakhromeev, Elena A. Levina and Evgeny V. Shilko On the control of slip modes and seismic activity of faults using drilling fluid injection
Shemin G.G., Vernikovsky V.A., Smirnov M.Yu., Vakhromeev A.G., Filimonova I.V., Moiseev S.A., Migursky A.V. Tectonic, lithofacies, geochemical conditions of formation and quantitative assessment of the oil and gas potential of the Ereminsko-Chonsky giant accumulation of oil and gas.
Vakhromeev A.G., Smirnov A.S., Mazukabzov A.M., Shutov G.Ya., Gorlov I.V., Misyurkeeva N.V. Ogibenin V.V. Upper Lena Arched Uplift the Main Object of Preparation of the Hydrocarbon Resource Base in the South of the Siberian Platform
Smirnov A.S., Vakhromeev A.G., Kurchikov A.R., Gorlov I.V. Identification and mapping of fluid-saturated anisotropic fractured reservoirs of the Kovykta gas condensate field
Vakhromeev A.G., Ivanishin V.M., Sverkunov S.A., Polyakov V.N., Razyapov R.K. Deep well as a stand for hydraulic "on-line" studies of the stress state of a rock mass in fluid-saturated fractured reservoirs
Ruzhich Valery V. Sergey G. Psakhie, Evgeny V. Shilko, Andrey G. Vakhromeev, and Elena A. Levina. On the possibility of development of the technology for managing seismotectonic displacements in fault zones
Seminsky K.Zh., Sankov V.A., Ogibenin V.V., Burzunova Yu.P., Miroshnichenko A.I., Gorbunova E.A., Gorlov I.V., Smirnov A.S., Vakhromeev A. .G., Buddo I.V. Tectonophysical approach to the analysis of geological and geophysical data in gas condensate fields with a complex structure of the platform cover.
Vakhromeev A.G., Danilova E.M., Razyapov R.K., Sverkunov S.A. Geodynamic aspect of the study of complex mining and geological conditions of the oldest natural carbonate reservoirs of oil and gas of the Riphean (on the example of the Baikit oil and gas fields)