

Doctor of Sciences, Physical and Mathematical Sciences

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lab

Head of the Laboratory for Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Head of educational programs in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (bachelor's and master's degrees).


Education, degrees
Physics, Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russia
FTIR study of Diatomic Dimers XH-XH- in Ionic Crystals , Fulbright Scholarship in USA, University of Utah
FTIR study of Diatomic Dimers XH-XH- in Ionic Crystals , University of Utah, Physics Department
Enterprise crisis management, Internship with TACIS “Productivity Initiative Program” in Belgium & Germany
University management in the USA, IREX program “The university administration support program”, University of Vermont, USA
Continuing education
Diploma of professional retraining, Information Security, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics
AI, IT Academy Huawei
Neural networks in computer vision and natural language processing, IT Academy Samsung


Fulbright Scholarship in USA (1991) TACIS Productivity Initiative Program (1998) IREX program The university administration support program (2002) Honorary Diploma of the Accounts Chamber of the Russian Federation (2012)


- A.D. Afanasyev, M.O. Bulanin, M.V. Tonkov  The collision-induced translational spectrum of CF4+He gas mixtures // Canad. J. Phys. 1980, No.58, P.836.
- A.D. Afanasiev, F. Luty  FTIR study of two types of OH-/OH- and OD-/OD- defect pairs in KBr // Solid State Comm. 1996, V.98, No.6, P.531.
- A.D. Afanasiev, A.A. Ivanov, Fritz Luty, S.M. Melikova, D.N. Shchepkin  Stretching mode interaction of equal and unequal pairs of SeH and SeD- defects in Alkali Halides // Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids, V.151. 1999, P.311.
- A.D. Afanasiev, A.A. Ivanov and Fritz Luty  FTIR stretching-mode measurements and calculations of equal and unequal pairs of SH- and SD- defects in KCl // Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids. V.155, 2001, P. 345.
- K.V. Kazakov and A.D. Afanasiev Overtone Transitions of Diatomic Dimers XH-XH- in Ionic Crystals // Optics and Spectroscopy. V.95, No1, 2003, P. 54.
- Long The Nguyen, Huong Thu Nguyen, Alexander Diomidovich Afanasiev & Tao Van Nguyen. Automatic Identification Fingerprint Based on Machine Learning Method // Journal of the Operations Research Society of China (2021).
- Z. S. Afanasyeva, A.D. Afanasyev. The Power of Modern Digital Technologies for the Specialist Training in Artificial Intelligence. Socio-economic Systems: Paradigms for the Future (2021), SSDC, volume 314,  pp 49-54.
- Afanasyeva Z.S., Afanasyev A.D. (2020) Signature Detection and Identification Algorithm with CNN, Numpy and OpenCV. In: Silhavy R., Silhavy P., Prokopova Z. (eds) Software Engineering Perspectives in Intelligent Systems. CoMeSySo 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1295. Springer, Cham.
- Long The Nguyen, Huong Thu Nguyen, Alexander Diomidovich Afanasiev, Tao Van Nguyen. Automatic Identification Fingerprint Based on Machine Learning Method // Journal of the Operations Research Society of China (2021).
- I. O. Prichko, Aleksandr D. Afanasyev.  The Application of Artificial Intelligence for the Identification of Relevant Forensic Information Among Video Surveillance System Data. Socio-economic Systems: Paradigms for the Future, (2021),  pp 97-105.
- Nguyen T. Long, Afanasiev D. Alexander, Nguyen T. Huong. Segmentation of Forest Fire Images Based on Convolutional Neural Networks. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence, 19:1 (2021), 21-35.