Nearly 160 IT Specialists Graduated From INRTU in 2024

159 bachelor and master students graduated fr om the School of Information Technology and Data Science at Irkutsk National Research Technical University (INRTU), 40 of whom graduated with honors. Graduates were invited to work at major Russian IT companies and industrial enterprises.

Rector Mikhail Korniakov addressed the young specialists:

"Wherever you are, carry the name of INRTU with pride. Know that the university is always ready to support you and welcome you back as masters, postgraduates, and eventually as employer partners. Don't forget your teachers – those who invested their soul and knowledge in you and rejoiced in your successes. I wish you a good journey!"

When presenting diplomas, Director of the School Alexey Govorkov wished the graduates to remain true to their goals, and not to miss time and opportunities. As a parting word, Alexey Sergeyevich read poems about happiness.

Representatives of employer companies, including Forus Group, En+ Digital, ALROSA, Exosoft, Apogey Irkutsk, Sibintek, Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk, and Infosecurity Softline Group, congratulated the graduates.

According to the CEO of Forus Group, Valentina Denisova, the profession of an IT specialist requires lifelong learning:

"The mission of our company is to help businesses and government structures become more competitive and successful."

Dmitry Tretyakov, Head of Accounting Solutions Support and Development at En+ Digital, addressed the graduates with warm words. As an INRTU graduate, he knows that this university provides a strong foundation for further development and professional growth.

Dmitry Tretyakov particularly noted the participants of the educational project "IT Academy":

"Over two years, students have integrated into our team. We look forward to welcoming young specialists to work."

Red diploma holder Vadim Mandanov studied "Computer Science and Engineering." A significant event during his student years was joining the "IT Academy." Thanks to the project, he gained new knowledge and developed digital products for En+. For example, Vadim created a constructor for automating company chatbots. By the time he graduated, he had created a voice assistant that allows analysts to create dashboards (information panels for data visualization).

The voice assistant is not only a project within the "IT Academy" but also his thesis. Vadim completed it under the supervision of Professor Denis Sidorov. The author thanks his mentor for valuable advice in the field of artificial intelligence.

"The development needs to be improved before implementation. It is necessary to ensure word recognition function and optimization so that the system works without errors. I will work on this at En+ Digital, wh ere I have already been hired as a specialist in the data analysis and machine learning department," shared Vadim Mandanov.

Yaroslav Vedernikov is a graduate of the bachelor's program in "Information Systems and Technologies." The young man is looking for a job and is confident that he will find a worthy application of his knowledge. The key skill he acquired during his studies is the creation of mobile applications. One of these projects has already been implemented at INRTU. 

Yaroslav combined several electronic services of the Polytechnic in the application. These are the "Campus" and Moodle platforms, the "Project Fair," and the online schedule (scientific supervisor - Vadim Arshinsky).

It should be noted that Yaroslav Vedernikov studied at the "Samsung IT Academy." He won hackathons and was a prize-winner of the "Energy Lab" accelerator. For his achievements, he was awarded a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Find the video of the diploma awarding ceremony here.