Issues of economics, IT and linguistics were discussed at the BS BRICS forum
The III International Student Research and Practice Conference CURRENT TRENDS IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH was held at BS BRICS on April 27. The participants discussed issues of economics, management, energetics, IT technology, linguistics, and philosophy.
Svetlana Fetisova, Associate Professor at Department of Humanities of BS BRICS, reported that more than 150 students, teachers and researchers from Russia, China, Nigeria, the United States and the Republic of Belarus were interested in the event.

Svetlana Fetisova addressed to the speakers,
"We observe that every year there are more and more students who are keen on scientific projects. The participants of CURRENT TRENDS IN MULTIDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH conference are full of enthusiasm and new ideas for topic presentations. We also wait for everyone who wants to exchange experience and join the discussions in 2024."

Hao Kui from Henan Polytechnic University presented a report on the Chinese yuan. According to the speaker, this currency has become a good tool for investment and international cooperation. In order to understand the global financial situation, Hao Kui cited facts from the media. He mentioned the signing of the agreement between China and Brazil on trade in yuan and China's natural gas liquefaction deal as the most significant ones. In conclusion, Hao Kui added that INRTU students will be able to learn more about the economy of China by enrolling in the author's online course in autumn. Until now, the lectures were offered only to BS BRICS students.
Kamila Gaifulina began to study English and German at school, and achieved C1 language level proficiency. At the moment, she is learning the basics of international business and communication in Chinese at BS BRICS. Films and music help Kamila to improve her German and English speaking skills. The second year student presented a report on inclusive methods of studying grammar and vocabulary. The report was prepared under the supervision of Natalia Sivtseva, associate professor at Department of Humanities. Kamila Gaifulina was the leader in the nomination "Language. Education. Consciousness".

Kamila Gayfulina commented on her research,
"Music and speech serve as means of transmitting information and expressing emotions. In the project, I described an experiment conducted at the University of California. The results of the study showed that similar areas of the brain are involved in the creation of elements in music and language. This is why pedagogy offers the same methods for learning melodic and textual information. When we listen to music, we memorize new words faster, and improve pronunciation due to the development of visual memory."
Chinese students shared their opinions,
"We study environmental engineering and clean energy at BS BRICS. At the conference, we made a presentation about the development of energy storage system. We prepared the report together with associate professor Dmitriy Karamov. Thanks to the scientific forum, our team learned new facts about other professions and improved their skills in English."
The list of winners and prize-winners of the conference is here.