20% of INRTU Students Take Part in Research Activities
The results of the implementation of the youth policy in 2023 were summarized at the meeting of the Scientific-Technical Council (STC) of the INRTU development program (Priority Program 2030), which was held on January 19 at the Tochka Kipeniya ("Boiling Point") co-working center. Federal support for the university's youth policy amounted to 11.8 million rubles last year.
Irina Byankina, Head of the Youth Policy Department, reported that 20% of students were involved in research activities, more than 20 events were held with the participation of industrial partners.

"A new student scientific society (SSS) "Novator" was created within the design bureau, more than 20 student scientific societies continue their work. At the same time, the publication activity of the SSS participants increased by 20%, academic mobility - by 32% compared to last year," - said Irina Byankina.
In 2023, 25 university graduates became participants of the Startup as a Diploma program. Grants under the Student Startup Program were awarded to 10 people, two other students were supported under the UMNIK program. INRTU students won the 1st and 3rd place in the CASE-IN International Engineering Championship.
Among the main mechanisms of the Youth Policy Department, Irina Byankina outlined the activities aimed at involving students in R&D activities, developing competencies and building human resources potential.
More than 40 students were interested in the Summer Scientific School. Based on the results of the Young Inventor competition of student research initiatives, 10 students received funding to create a prototype of a technological solution. About 680 thousand rubles were allocated for this purpose.
Last year more than 250 students engaged in SSS activities and more than 200 significant results were achieved. The scientific work of these students is supervised by 42 teachers. A federal grant of 5 million rubles was successfully implemented for the support and development of SSS. Within the framework of the Priority Program 2030, 1.4 million rubles were allocated to student scientific societies.
Academic mobility at the university is also increasing. In 2023 students made 78 trips across the Russian Federation for research events, competitions, conferences and forums. INRTU students brought back 30 awards.
INRTU pays special attention to the promotion of research activities. More than 1.6 thousand students participated in 32 events in this area.
The Vanguard of Science scientific and educational project was supported by 82 students. Students acquired research skills and defended 21 projects. Financial support for the creation of a prototype of a technological solution was provided to six "vanguards".
INRTU students show great interest in hackathons and engineering championships. The university hosted a hackathon to develop a voice medical assistant, as well as stages of the CASE-IN engineering championship, a 1C hackathon, and staff cyber exercises. More than 300 people proposed 76 project solutions.
Over 2.4 million rubles were provided by the university to build an interdisciplinary team of 10 students, who gained engineering and construction experience in designing and developing a combat robot. A demonstration of its work was held as part of the Roboart Festival, dedicated to the robotics development in the region. The team also participated in the All-Russian Robot Fighting Competition in the category up to 1.5 kg.
The INRTU Youth Policy Department focuses a large part of its efforts on the PROpreneurs Forum. In 2023 it attracted the attention of 329 students from five universities in Irkutsk.
Entrepreneurial skills were mastered by 100 students who created 17 business projects as part of the PROpreneurship program. Overall, six companies were established and three grants were received as a result of the program.
Irina Byankina also reported that INRTU has a targeted training program. More than 2 million rubles have been budgeted for this purpose. The support of eight students of the class of 2022 continues, last year five doctoral students and two master students joined the program. All of them are active members of R&D teams, scholarship holders and mentors of project teams.
Photo by Arseniy Chekmaryov