The aim of the postgraduate program is to prepare a highly qualified specialist in the field of research and design of urban planning systems. In this case, the subject of urban development is considered as a spatially organized territory in its historical development, an actual form of modernity and a basis for the future development.
The program offers the training in the analysis of urban development properties of the territory, studying the urban development history in the regional, domestic and world experience, mastering the experience of planning, zoning and planning.
The training is carried out with the help of the necessary set of licensed software, which is used in the implementation of this educational program and subject to annual updating. The program is provided with educational and methodical documentation and materials for all training courses and subjects. The extracurricular work of the postgraduate students is accompanied by the appropriate methodological support.
3 years
Department of Architectural Design
About the program
Learning outcomes
- Knowledge of conducting theoretical research in the field of urban development;
- Knowledge of researching the problems of historical and cultural landscapes;
- Knowledge of developing scientific foundations for solving network problems of urban planning;
- Ability to solve social, technical and urban problems of the territory sustainable development;
- Ability to teach in the field of architecture at higher educational institutions and specialized secondary educational establishments.
Career opportunities
As a graduate, you will acquire the qualification «Researcher. Teacher-Researcher».
The research work is realized on the basis of the department of Architecture Design of FSBEI of HE «Irkutsk National Research Technical University», the enterprises of the energy complex and aviation industry. The practical training is conducted at FSBEI of HE «Irkutsk National Research Technical University», at the Architecture Departments of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) and Moscow Institute of Architecture (MARKHI) .
As a graduate in this area of the training, you can carry out professional activities at various organizations and institutions as follows:
educational establishments;
research organizations;
design companies;
municipal offices of architecture and urban development;
regional departments of urban planning.
The research work is realized on the basis of the department of Architecture Design of FSBEI of HE «Irkutsk National Research Technical University», the enterprises of the energy complex and aviation industry. The practical training is conducted at FSBEI of HE «Irkutsk National Research Technical University», at the Architecture Departments of Saint-Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering (SPbGASU) and Moscow Institute of Architecture (MARKHI) .
As a graduate in this area of the training, you can carry out professional activities at various organizations and institutions as follows:
educational establishments;
research organizations;
design companies;
municipal offices of architecture and urban development;
regional departments of urban planning.
1 semester
1 year
Foreign languageCandidate's examination in the history and philosophy of scienceCandidate's examination in a foreign languageAdaptive information technologiesSocial adaptation in a teamHistory and philosophy of scienceScientific activity aimed at preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for defense
2 semester
1 year
3 semester
2 year
Scientific activity aimed at preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for defenseGeneral scientific methodology in dissertation researchMethodology of scientific researchPedagogy in higher educationMathematical methods in scientific researchEconomic justification of engineering and technical solutionsComputer technologies in educationModern educational technologiesPedagogical practice
4 semester
2 year
5 semester
3 year
Scientific activity aimed at preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for defensePreparation of publications and (or) applications for patents for inventions and other types of intellectual propertyUrban planning, planning of rural settlementsCandidate's exam in the specialty "Urban planning, planning of rural settlements"
6 semester
3 year
Scientific activity aimed at preparing a dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Sciences for defensePreparation of publications and (or) applications for patents for inventions and other types of intellectual propertyEvaluation of the dissertation for its compliance with the criteria established in accordance with the Federal Law "On Science and State Scientific and Technical Policy"
Program academic supervisor
Teaching staff
Fees and funding
Entrance exams
Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
- Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.
Contact us
+7 (395) 240-52-15
Contact us