39.06.01 Sociological Sciences

Social Structure, Social Institutes and Processes

3 years

About the program

The postgraduate program aims to analyze social change in societies in a state of restriction/transition. In conducting empirical research graduate students are supported by the staff of the Center for Complex Sociological Research, who have a high level of qualification and practical skills in conducting practical sociological work. The postgraduate program is implemented in the traditions of the established scientific sociological school of INRTU.

Learning outcomes

  • Obtaining qualifications and diplomas: researcher, teacher-researcher
  • The level of PG student

Career opportunities

Social scientists can work in a wide variety of fields, but are most successful in business analysis and interpersonal relations. Research work is usually combined with teaching or working as an analyst, sociologist, or project manager in specialized research centers, research institutes of academies of sciences, or in research centers and laboratories at leading universities.

Program academic supervisor

Fees and funding

210 320 ₽ *
Per year
*Part-time mode of study is also available. For the detailed information about tuition fee and the training period please contact International admission office

Entrance exams

Applicants take the following entrance exams:
- Russian language.
- A special discipline related to the field of postgraduate program.

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