Intermediate Microeconomics

Knowledge of microeconomics is necessary for making management decisions, developing and evaluating public policy, and in a broader sense, it helps to understand the foundations of modern economics.

The goal of mastering the discipline

The goal of mastering the discipline is the formation of in-depth knowledge of economic laws and the rules of rational economic behavior formulated on their basis with respect to isolated independent economic units (individuals; firms).

The skills you get

  • Able to collect, process and analyze the data necessary to solve the assigned management tasks, using modern tools and intelligent information and analytical systems

Topics covered

  • Market
  • Budget Constraint
  • Consumer Optimum
  • Production
  • Costs
  • Profit
  • Monopoly

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Grebennikov P. I. Microeconomics: textbook and workshop for academic bachelor's degree / P. I. Grebennikov [and others], 2020. - 547.
2. Tarasevich L. S. Microeconomics: textbook: [for universities in economic specialties] / L. S. Tarasevich, P. I. Grebennikov, A. I. Leussky, 2005. - 374.