Department of Geophysics

The Department of Geophysics continues the traditions of the department formed at the Geological Faculty of Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute in 1953. The Department trains specialists majoring in geophysical methods of mineral prospecting.The Department research and development activities are aimed to improve geological adequacy (uniqueness) of quantitative interpretation of geophysical exploration data, This is achieved by developing the areas of direct and inverse physical-and-geological modeling in 2D, 3D and 4D models, based on the real physical properties of rocks obtained from well logging data and in the process of laboratory study of geological samples and cores; development of hardware and software base of geophysical research in the directions of electromagnetic sounding in time and frequency areas, magnetic surveying, and nuclear geophysics.

Key personnel

Teaching staff

Research projects

• Varioscale dynamic physico-geological models based on quantitative interpretation of complex geophysical data
• Algorithmic and software for solving direct and inverse problems for potential fields and electromagnetic soundings
• Equipment and methodical support for electromagnetic sounding
• Methodology of unmanned systems application in geological prospecting
• Seismic survey with unconventional excitation sources in search for primary and placer deposits
• Geophysical well logging in search for ores and groundwater

The Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Irkutsk)
The Institute of the Earth's Crust is a comprehensive research institution with an original scientific profile.
His main research areas are:
Modern endo- and exogeodynamics. Geological environment and seismic process. Resources, groundwater dynamics and geoecology.
Internal structure, paleogeodynamics, endogenous processes and fluid dynamics of the continental lithosphere.
The Institute is the leading scientific institution of the country on the problems of continental rifting and a recognized center for the problems of neotectonics, geomorphology, seismogeology, hydrogeology.
Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting (MGRI) Geological Prospecting Faculty
Geological Prospecting Department began its work as a unit of the Moscow Mining Academy (MMA) on February 12, 1919 along with the Mining and Metallurgical Departments. In 1921 the Geological Prospecting Department was transformed into the Geological Prospecting Faculty.
Employees of the Geological Prospecting Faculty conducted large-scale comprehensive research works on geology and geological estimation of regions of the Soviet Union, among them are Kursk Magnetic Anomaly, the Crimea, Siberia, Central Asia, the Caucasus and Transcaucasia, the Urals, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Karelia, Yakutia and many foreign countries.

Teachers and professors of the faculty have published a large number of textbooks and teaching manuals, scientific proceedings on mineralogy, structural geology, techniques of prospecting and exploration of mineral deposits, etc. Many of them have been translated into foreign languages. Employees of the faculty discovered new minerals, one of which - Mgriite - was named after the institution.

The faculty employees contribute to MGRI by improving the educational process and solving urgent issues in the sphere of materials production, thus and so the university is considered leading one in training mining engineers-geologists.
Sigma-Geo, LLC, Irkutsk
It is an innovative research and production company engaged in the full cycle of electrical prospecting, as well as the development of high-precision electrical prospecting equipment and software. The high-quality efficiency of precision hardware-software complexes and original approaches to the interpretation of geological and geophysical data is approved not only in Russia, but all over the world from the tundra of Western Siberia to the jungles of Malaysia and Indonesia.
Vega geophysics, East European Geophysical Association

It has been developing geophysical equipment for electrical exploration for over 15 years. The experts carry out field geological exploration work, processing and interpretation of geological and geophysical materials.

During this period, the specialists of the association performed work in Iran, USA, UAE, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Kaliningrad Region, Komi Republic, Spitsbergen Archipelago, Taimyr Peninsula,
Volgograd Region, Leningrad Region, Karelia.

Service geophysical works:
Electrical prospecting by the method of magnetotelluric and audiomagnetotelluric sounding
Gravimetric exploration
Geochemical exploration by soil gas adsorption
Processing and interpretation of the results of geophysical measurements
Drawing up geological reports