Department of Geoinformatics
The Department implements production and scientific works by orders of foreign and Russian geological companies, carries out research, and it is involved in training of students. The geography of research covers the territories of Russia and the CIS.
Since 2020, work has been carried out all over Russia: from the Kola Peninsula to Kamchatka and from the foothills of the Putoran Plateau to the shores of Lake Baikal and the southern border of Russia.
Within the research the department implements development of software algorithms, processing and analysis of geodata, development of software and hardware systems for geophysical, environmental, geomorphological and topographic research. One of the distinctive features of the department is the development and implementation of unmanned systems for geophysical and optical research. Currently, the department performs complex research of technical and geological objects using UAVs - magnetic surveying, radiometry, spectrometry, electrical surveying, photogrammetry and lidar surveying. Based on the results of the work performed, a geoinformation database is formed to evaluate the prospects of the area; reporting geological and geophysical documentation is prepared.
A special attention is paid to the search for concealed deposits and ore occurrences.
In the field of student training, a series of specialized training courses in geoinformation, geophysical and IT disciplines were implemented. The Department of Geoinformatics actively attracts students from INRTU and Russian universities for research and production works.
At present the department provides training in open universal GIS, unmanned systems for geological exploration, application of geostatistics and artificial intelligence methods in the tasks of resource prospectivity forecasting on regional and local scales.
Among the latest works should be mentioned the unmanned aerial vehicle development for integrated magnetic and gamma survey, which provides greater productivity than multicopters; software systems for automatic formation of flight tasks and processing of the obtained geological and geophysical information; geoinformation technology for forecasting risks of hazardous processes such as mudflows, landslides, and rock falls.
Key personnel
Sergei Gachenko
+7 914-886-0591
Head of the Department:
Department of Geoinformatics
Teaching staff
Research projects
- Geoinformation support for decision making while evaluating the prospects of areas for ore gold
- Development of software for fast and deep processing of complex geo data
- Application of UAV remote sensing data for predicting areas of high risk for rock falls and talus
- Development of unmanned systems for complex geophysical surveys: carriers, software, recording equipment, strategies and application techniques
- Development of WEB-GIS to present the results of geo-environmental studies