BIM Center

The BIM Competence Center was established on September 9, 2021 as part of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design. The objectives of the BIM Competence Center: - Development of interest in design and construction organizations in BIM technology and attraction of these organizations to cooperation with Irkutsk National Research Technical University through the organization and holding of master classes, conferences and other events on a paid and free basis; - Involvement of students in scientific research, as well as development of their professional competencies, as well as development of their professional competencies. The center provides the following services: - Training in BIM management, organization of implementation of specialized programs, creation of technical specifications for digital information models, creation of plans for the implementation of projects using information modeling technologies; - Training in automated design systems: Renga, NanoCAD, ModelCS, CADlib, LIRA, SCAD, etc; - Outsourcing services and consulting support; - Creation of digital information models; - Expertise of digital information models.

Key personnel