Ludmila Tatarnikova
Associate Professor:
School of High Technologies,
Department of Automation and Control (since 2017)
Research and Publications
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Education, degrees
Physics, Irkutsk State University named after A.A. Zhdanov
Continuing education
Quality control 2017, Additional professional education
Pedagogical and psychological aspects of the organization of inclusive vocational education for persons with disabilities and disabled people, FGBOU VO
Training teachers in first aid skills, FGBOU VO
Organization of the educational process for the main professional educational programs using the electronic information and educational environment (EIOS), FGBOU VO
Sign "Inventor of the USSR"
corresponding member of the Academy of Quality Problems
Professional Interests
Educational practice: introductory practice
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Industrial practice: organizational and managerial practice
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Industrial practice: research work (research seminar)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Industrial practice: undergraduate practice
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Industrial practice: undergraduate practice
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Means and methods of quality management
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Mechanics and control in technical systems
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Program: Quality management in production and technological systems (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Automation and Control
Production practice: production and technological practice
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Quality audit
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
Program: Quality Management. Integrated Management Systems and Engineering (Master's degree)
1.Implementation of an automated quality system based on the ISO 13485: 2016 standard for the production of medical devices.QUALITY. INNOVATION. EDUCATION. - 2019. No. 5 (163). - S. 66-73.
2. Assessment of the level of competitiveness of industrial companies and methods for assessing the quality of construction products. E3S Web of Conferences Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and En-vironmental Engineering - TPACEE 2019 Volum 164, 2020
3.Deployment of Kaizen as part of the implementation of lean manufacturing in a passenger transport company. Proceedings of the Internation Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences: Novations, Problems, Prospects (HSSNPP 2019) (July 2019, Russia) volume 333, p.758-763
4.Improving the activities of machine-building enterprises through the use of digital technologies. International Scientific and Practical Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologie (23-27 September 2019, Sochy, Russia), p. 145-148
5. Evaluation of IT-security assurance in a credit organization. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies", IT and QM and IS 2020, S. 114-118
2. Assessment of the level of competitiveness of industrial companies and methods for assessing the quality of construction products. E3S Web of Conferences Topical Problems of Green Architecture, Civil and En-vironmental Engineering - TPACEE 2019 Volum 164, 2020
3.Deployment of Kaizen as part of the implementation of lean manufacturing in a passenger transport company. Proceedings of the Internation Conference on Humanities and Social Sciences: Novations, Problems, Prospects (HSSNPP 2019) (July 2019, Russia) volume 333, p.758-763
4.Improving the activities of machine-building enterprises through the use of digital technologies. International Scientific and Practical Conference Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologie (23-27 September 2019, Sochy, Russia), p. 145-148
5. Evaluation of IT-security assurance in a credit organization. Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Conference "Quality Management, Transport and Information Security, Information Technologies", IT and QM and IS 2020, S. 114-118