Inna Druzhinina
Research and Publications
Education, degrees
Architecture, Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute
Forming a city on the water, Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
Gratitude of MINOBRNAUKI, 2020
Certificate of honor of the Governor of the Irkutsk region, 2020
Medal named after I.V. Zholtovsky of the Union of Architects of the Russian Federation "For Outstanding Contribution to Architectural Education", 2020
Certificate of Honor of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, 2022
Advisor to the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences (2021)
Architecture of public buildings
Program: Architecture (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
Program: Architecture (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
Legal regulation of spatial development of cities
Program: Transformation of urban space (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
Program: Transformation of urban space (Master's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
Living houses architecture
Program: Architecture (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
Program: Architecture (Bachelor's degree)
Department: Department of Architectural Design
- Features of housing design in the Irkutsk region (textbook with a stamp UMO), Irkutsk - 2014
- Environmental factors in architecture (study guide), Irkutsk -2019
- Study of types of housing in Irkutsk (scientific article), Izvestiya vuzov. Investments. Construction. The property. 2018. V. 8. N4 (27). p. 193-217
- Architectural education in Irkutsk (scientific article in collaboration with V.V. Astrakhantseva), Project Baikal, 2020 / journal-article DOI: 10.7480/projectbaikal.64.1649
- The use of standard series plans in designing unique buildings: The case of V. A. Pavlov's residential house in Irkutsk (scientific article)
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 / conference-paper, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012060
- Environmental factors in architecture (study guide), Irkutsk -2019
- Study of types of housing in Irkutsk (scientific article), Izvestiya vuzov. Investments. Construction. The property. 2018. V. 8. N4 (27). p. 193-217
- Architectural education in Irkutsk (scientific article in collaboration with V.V. Astrakhantseva), Project Baikal, 2020 / journal-article DOI: 10.7480/projectbaikal.64.1649
- The use of standard series plans in designing unique buildings: The case of V. A. Pavlov's residential house in Irkutsk (scientific article)
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2020 / conference-paper, DOI: 10.1088/1757-899X/880/1/012060