Alina Kuz'mina
Associate Professor:
School of High Technologies,
Department of Radioelectronics and Telecommunication Systems (since 2021)
Head of the Laboratory:
Separate Divisions,
Technopark of INRTU (Business Incubator) (since 2019)
Research and Publications
Candidate of Sciences (PhD), Physical and Mathematical Sciences
Technopark of INRTU (Business Incubator)
organizing the implementation of research work, determining the prospects for the development of the laboratory in the relevant field of knowledge, methods and means of conducting research and development, ways to solve the scientific and technical tasks assigned to the laboratory, writing publications, grant processing.
Education, degrees
Nanomaterials, Irkutsk State Technical University
Improvement and optimization of technological processes for the production of non-ferrous metals, Irkutsk State Technical University
Interpreter in the field of professional communication , Irkutsk State Technical University
Thin films, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Magnetism of thin films and heterostructures, Moscow State University M. V. Lomonosov
Thin films and heterostructures, Institute for Problems of Laser and Information Technologies RAS
- Finalist of the "Leaders of Russia" competition in the specialization "Science" (entered the TOP-34) (2021);
- Winner of the regional competition "Youth of the Irkutsk region in faces" in the nomination "Professional achievements in science among young people with a degree" (2020);
- Winner of the competition for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for young scientists and graduate students carrying out promising research and development in priority areas of modernization of the Russian economy (2017-2020, 2015-2017);
- Laureate of the Russian President`s Prize for supporting talented youth within the framework of the priority national project "Education" (2015);
- Winner of the competition for a scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation for graduate students studying full-time in specialty areas corresponding to the priority areas of modernization and technology for the development of the Russian economy (2015);
- Winner of the All-Russian Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth in the nomination "New Materials and Chemical Products"; awarded the medal of the All-Russian Exhibition Center "For success in scientific and technical creativity" (2014);
- Winner of the regional Exhibition of Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth in the nomination "Best Research Project" (2014);
- Winner of the All-Russian Festival of Science in the category "Best Research Project" (2013);
- Winner of the regional competition "Youth of the Irkutsk region in faces" in the nomination "Professional achievements in science among young people who do not have a degree" (2013);
- Winner of the competition under the UMNIK program of the Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Forms of Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Sphere in the nomination "New Materials and Technologies" (2013).
Chairperson of the Council of Young Scientists of the School of High Technologies
Professional Interests
1. Influence of the electronic state of atoms on high-temperature ferromagnetism of lithium-doped ZnO thin films / A.S. Kuz`mina, M.P. Kuz`min, V.S. Kabarbo, V.S. Volosatova, N.A. Svinkin // ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology. - 2021. - Vol. 10 (10). - 103001.
2. Composition, structure and morphology of ZnO-Co3O4 ceramic targets in the process of pulsed laser thin film deposition / A.S. Kuz`mina, A.A. Lotin, N.A. Strokin, M.P. Kuz`min, A.V. Kazantsev // Journal of Crystal Growth. - 2020. - Vol. 535. - 125506.
3. Stabilization of the hole conductivity of Zn1-xLixOy thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition / A.S. Kuz`mina, A.A. Lotin, N.A. Strokin, M.P. Kuz`min, A.V. Kazantsev // Mater. Res. Express. - 2019. - Vol. 6. - 086523.
4. Magnetism and magnetooptics features of Zn1-xLixOy thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition / A.S. Kuz'mina, A.A. Lotin, O.A. Novodvorsky, N.S. Perov, E.A. Gan'shina, L.A. Makarova, A.S. Semisalova, A.G. Schneider, M.P. Kuz'min, S.S. Kolesnikov // Materials chemistry and physics. - 2017. - Vol. 198. - P. 291-296.
5. Giant negative magnetoresistance in manganese-substituted zinc oxide / X.L. Wang, Q. Shao, A.S. Zhuravlyova (Kuz'mina), M. He, Y. Yi, R. Lortz, J.N. Wang, A. Ruotolo // Scientific reports. - 2015. - Vol. 5, No. 9221. - P. 1-5.
6. Changing the properties of indium tin oxide by introducing aluminum cations / M.P. Kuz'min, Xiao-Yuan Li, M.Y. Kuz'mina, A.I. Begunov, A.S. Zhuravlyova (Kuz'mina) // Electrochemistry Communications. - 2016. - Vol. 67. - P. 35-38.
7. Magnetic properties of high-symmetry CuO / K.S. Rabinovich, L.L. Samoilenko, A.S. Zhuravleva (Kuz`mina), A. G. Shneider // Applied Physics Letters. - 2014. - Vol. 104. - P. 182406 (1-2).
2. Composition, structure and morphology of ZnO-Co3O4 ceramic targets in the process of pulsed laser thin film deposition / A.S. Kuz`mina, A.A. Lotin, N.A. Strokin, M.P. Kuz`min, A.V. Kazantsev // Journal of Crystal Growth. - 2020. - Vol. 535. - 125506.
3. Stabilization of the hole conductivity of Zn1-xLixOy thin films fabricated by pulsed laser deposition / A.S. Kuz`mina, A.A. Lotin, N.A. Strokin, M.P. Kuz`min, A.V. Kazantsev // Mater. Res. Express. - 2019. - Vol. 6. - 086523.
4. Magnetism and magnetooptics features of Zn1-xLixOy thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition / A.S. Kuz'mina, A.A. Lotin, O.A. Novodvorsky, N.S. Perov, E.A. Gan'shina, L.A. Makarova, A.S. Semisalova, A.G. Schneider, M.P. Kuz'min, S.S. Kolesnikov // Materials chemistry and physics. - 2017. - Vol. 198. - P. 291-296.
5. Giant negative magnetoresistance in manganese-substituted zinc oxide / X.L. Wang, Q. Shao, A.S. Zhuravlyova (Kuz'mina), M. He, Y. Yi, R. Lortz, J.N. Wang, A. Ruotolo // Scientific reports. - 2015. - Vol. 5, No. 9221. - P. 1-5.
6. Changing the properties of indium tin oxide by introducing aluminum cations / M.P. Kuz'min, Xiao-Yuan Li, M.Y. Kuz'mina, A.I. Begunov, A.S. Zhuravlyova (Kuz'mina) // Electrochemistry Communications. - 2016. - Vol. 67. - P. 35-38.
7. Magnetic properties of high-symmetry CuO / K.S. Rabinovich, L.L. Samoilenko, A.S. Zhuravleva (Kuz`mina), A. G. Shneider // Applied Physics Letters. - 2014. - Vol. 104. - P. 182406 (1-2).