Large but not seen. Why is it like that?

 The majority of world population are aware that Russia is the biggest country on that planet, but they do not usually consider the actual consequence of that big space. Some group of people imagine cold Siberia and rainy weather in Saint-Petersburg. Some have an image of frozen Yakutsk and Putin in “a warm enough” Moscow area. Thus, not everyone can imagine the diversity of Russian flora and fauna. Can you?

Practically, with an area of over 17 million km², Russia does not have a uniform climate. Temperatures within the elongated country are subject to extreme “fluctuations”. As the meteorological site “worlddata” writes: “While it can get as cold as -60 °C at night in eastern Siberia, the steppe regions of the central country often have temperatures of 35 degrees and more.” Russian territory includes the cold polar zone, the temperate climate zone, the subtropics, monsoon climate.

The most interesting fact is that exploring Russia you can see the fairy lights which are also called Northers lights! The best places to watch them are:

● Murmansk, Kola Peninsula

● Arkhangelsk

● Naryan-Mar

● Novaya Zemlya

● Taimyr Peninsula

● Yamal.

There are also such wonderful places which would be a pity not to visit while being in Russia.

1. Kungur Cave, Perm Region. Kungur Ice Cave is a karst cave located in the Urals on the right bank of the Sylva River. The cave is noted for its ice formations and is a popular tourist landmark.

2. Ruskeala National Park in Karelia (we also call it land of forests and lakes.) Ruskeala Mountain Park is one of the most beautiful places in Karelia and the entire North-Western region of Russia.The main attraction of the Ruskeala Mountain Park is the Grand Marble Canyon. For several centuries, marble has been mined here, on the banks of the Tohmajoki River. Until the beginning of the 18th century, these lands were owned by Sweden. In those years, marble in Ruskeala was mined in small volumes, mainly for lime firing. 

3. Altai Mountains. In the Turkic language, "Altai" means "Golden Mountains"Foreigners often call these places the "Siberian Alps", and sometimes "Tibet in Russia" — they are so similar in their power and greatness.

Thereby, there are many things that every local of any location can be not only proud of but also astonished every single time, no matter how many times they have seen something. Speaking of natural sights in local areas, I just cannot mention the Saint Lake Baikal. The lake is situated in southern Siberia, between Irkutsk Oblast to the northwest and the Republic of Buryatia to the southeast. As for numbers, Baikal, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site holds 20% of the Earth’s freshwater supplies and harbors at least 2600 species, most of them found nowhere else. Tourists call this place a “powerful mental battery” because one can actually feel the energy around the lake. Lake Baikal is rich in biodiversity. More than 80% of the animals are endemic. Nerpa is one of the main symbols of Lake Baikal. The Baikal seal or nerpa is a species of earless seal endemic.

Lastly, this is it what I can say about the great range of our national country’s flora and fauna. If you are thinking about visiting us, you have to visit at least few of this places, so you don’t think that Russia is a country with the same climate.