On World Architecture Day, INRTU Announced the Winners of the “Student Professional Recognition Rating” Contest

INRTU announced the results of the contest “Student Professional Recognition Rating”. The jury selected 12 winners who presented projects of airport and recreation center, ideas on planning of city squares and exhibition areas. The results of the competition were timed with World Architecture Day, which is celebrated on October 7.

The competition is realized for the seventh time in cooperation with the regional branch of the Union of Architects of Russia. Experts, including teachers and practicing Irkutsk architects, selected the best among the students of 1-4 courses.

One of the winners was fourth-year student Elizaveta Eremenko, the author of the work “New Air Terminal Building in Kirensk”. The project was prepared on the assignment of the Kirensk administration under the guidance of Professor Inna Druzhinina. In searching for a concept the student turned to the name of the river Kirenga, in honor of which the town was named. In Evenki language this word means “eagle's nest”. Therefore, the author chose the image of a bird of prey as the basis of the composition.

The terminal's cantilever symbolizes the eagle's head, while the canopy visually echoes the flapping of its wings. To emphasize the volumes of the floors, Elizaveta chose different architectural techniques and materials. For example, for the second floor she proposed broken laths, and for the first floor she suggested panoramic glazing. The shapes and shades of the elements refer to the waves of the Lena River, near which the airport building is located.

The best among the first-year students was Victoria Gromyko. She made an analysis of the historical (theater) square in Saratov and prepared a project of the Cathedral Square for the settlement of Kutulik. Victoria made a large layout with models of old buildings, residential houses, educational institutions and churches. The author worked out in detail the elements of urban landscaping. The student's supervisor is Evgeniia Puliaevskaia, Head of the Department of Architecture and Urban Planning.

Olesya Budnik, a third-year student, who developed a project of a recreation center for Balagansk settlement, was also awarded the first degree diploma. The scientific supervisor is Associate Professor Mikhail Khadeev.

In addition, Daniil Garshin, a future architect and second-year student, became a winner. Experts evaluated his work “Exhibition Pavilion” (supervisor - Associate Professor Ulyana Skomorokhova).

Eight prize-winners were also honored. They impressed the jury with their original interior solutions, ideas for school improvement, development of built-up areas, creation of a bionics museum and others.

The leaders of the rating are recommended for internships in the leading architectural firms of the Russian Federation after the graduation. Recall that the winners of one of the previous contests were sent for internships in the ASADOV bureau, Poledesign studio and Totan Kuzembaev's studio.