Joint research project "Nomads on the shores of Khubsugul: three millennia of history" with Institute of Archaeology, Mongolian Academy of Sciences

Project Description

Since 2024 INRTU and the Institute of Archaeology of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences have been jointly implementing the research project "Nomads on the shores of Khubsugul: three millennia of history".

The Project Goal is to determine the peculiarities of funeral rites and its significance in the ideas about the surrounding world among the nomads of the northern shore of Lake Khubsugul in the I millennium BC. - II millennium BC.

Functions of the parties:

  • Obtaining documents for archaeological excavations and required permits for these works.
  • Formation of an archaeological team from the Mongolian side.
  • Carrying out archaeological excavations.
  • Invitation to Mongolia of Russian specialists (scientists, students, journalists, cameramen, etc.), assistance in registration of entry documents and assistance in providing transportation to the place of archaeological monuments and back.
  • Compliance of all expedition participants with safety requirements during fieldwork.
  • Preparation of a joint report on field research.
  • Creating a working environment for joint processing of materials, preparation of field reports and joint publications.
  • Control of all processes necessary for successful fieldwork, from the beginning of excavation to reclamation.
  • Participation of Russian specialists in field work, subsequent processing of the obtained materials and preparation of joint publications.
  • Inviting Mongolian specialists to Russia to participate in joint scientific events in order to present the obtained results

 The Project implementation period: 08.04.2024 - 31.12.2026