Presentation of an INRTU Student From Ivory Coast Became the Best at the Conference “Current Problems of Modern Russian Studies”.
A student from Ivory Coast Dumbia Sakina Alima, studying at the 4th year of the Institute of Architecture, Construction and Design made a presentation at the XXI Interuniversity Student Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Russian Studies”. The event was held at the International Institute of Economics and Linguistics of Irkutsk State University.
The participants of the conference were international students from Irkutsk universities – Irkutsk State University, Baikal State University, Irkutsk State Transport University, as well as from Shandong University of Railway Transport.
Alima's paper “Features of translation of architectural terminology from Russian into English” was recognized as the best in the section “Contrastive analysis of the system of Russian and other languages”. The jury also noted that the student has an excellent command of Russian and English, although her native language is French.
Tatyana Gorbunova, the scientific supervisor, Associate Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages №1, emphasized that the topic of the paper was chosen for a reason:

“In order for a student to be motivated to learn a foreign language, there must be a specific goal. Such a goal for our guys is the connection of a foreign language with their future specialty. Alima is a future architect and she was interested in understanding the nuances of professional terminology”.
As Alima admitted, it was her first time participating with a paper at a linguistics conference:

“I was very nervous. However, I was supported by my supervisor and all the participants of the section. I was able to pull myself together and perform well”.
For Alima, this event was very important – she was able to gain a deeper understanding of terminology in the field of architecture, as well as sharpen her public speaking skills. In the winter of 2024, students of the academic program “Architecture” will have to take an exam and defend their diploma projects in English.