Post-graduate student of INRTU Sarfaroz Dovudov develops automated electric drives with frequency-pulse control
Sarfaroz Dovudov, a postgraduate student at the Institute of Power Engineering, develops automated electric drives with frequency-pulse control and actively promotes the results of research in the global scientific community. The merits of the young scientist were highly appreciated by the leadership of INRTU and the regional government.
Sarfaroz Dovudov studied at the Tajik Technical University. M.S. Osimi. He received a master's degree from the St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University. Sarfaroz successfully conducted research on the modernization of control systems for grinding machines and taught students for two years at his alma mater in Dushanbe.
Now Sarfaroz Dovudov is a graduate student at the Institute of Energy at the Irkutsk Polytechnic University, he plans to defend his dissertation in 2022.
“At the Irkutsk Polytechnic University, I got access to serious scientific and technical literature, the opportunity to participate in international conferences and publish in high-ranking journals.
I will generalize scientific knowledge in the dissertation. The work is devoted to the creation of automated electric drives with frequency-pulse control. In this case, dynamic losses in semiconductor converters are reduced (accompanied by a decrease in their heating), equipment reliability and service life are increased.
I want to express my gratitude to the leadership of the Technical University and my supervisor, Professor Mikhail Pavlovich Dunaev. At the Irkutsk Polytechnic University, I realized my dream of doing science,” said Sarfaroz Dovudov.
We add that the young engineer is taking the program for training scientific and pedagogical personnel, has good academic performance and intends to teach at the university. In 2021, he was awarded a scholarship of the rector of INRTU - a monthly remuneration in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. Sarfaroz was also awarded the Irkutsk Region Governor's Prize.