Norilsk Nickel is interested in graduates of Irkutsk Polytechnic University
On February 14, a presentation of the Polar Branch of PJSC MMC Norilsk Nickel took place in INRTU. Recruiters offered undergraduates to fill out questionnaires and told about the prospects of working in Taimyr. Future miners, metallurgists, mechanics, engineers showed interest in the event.
The world's largest supplier of nickel, palladium, platinum and copper has been cooperating with INRTU for 17 years. Every year, up to 60 students undergo industrial training in the business units of the enterprise.
Alexey Shevchenko, Head of the School of Subsoil Use, underlined that all production processes have been debugged at Norilsk Nickel, a lot of attention is paid to working with students and graduates. It is at such an enterprise that it is useful to start building a career for young specialists.
The presentation was conducted by Dmitry Tsybulko, a leading specialist of the Department of Corporate Youth Programs of the Human Resources Development Department of the Department for the Implementation of Personnel and Social Projects of the Polar Branch. According to him, INRTU graduates successfully work at Norilsk Nickel, including in senior positions. Now recruiters are selecting new personnel for an industrial site in the north of the Krasnoyarsk region.
The Polytechnic students learned that the company's share in the volume of metallurgical production of the Russian Federation is 9.9%. The availability of jobs is confirmed for the next 38 years. In 2019, Norilsk Nickel became the best employer in Russia according to Forbes. Up to 35% of the world's nickel reserves are concentrated on the Taimyr Peninsula (Zapolyarny branch, ZF). Since January 1, 2022, the salary of all employees of the branch has increased by 20%.
There is a relocation program for nonresident specialists. It involves the payment of lifting (100 thousand rubles), three-year compensation for renting housing, payment of transportation and baggage expenses when moving. The employee's vacation is 52 days. Additional opportunities for promotion are provided by the Personnel Reserve project and the internal appointments program.
According to experts, the company needs metallurgists, miners and concentrators. The company is actively developing – new industrial facilities are being built, production processes are switching to digital. In the future, this will make it possible to remove restrictions on women's work in heavy industry. The salary of a novice specialist depends on his qualifications. For example, the income of an underground developer of the fourth category starts from 90 thousand rubles per month.
Up-to-date information about the activities of Norilsk Nickel is here.