“MINEX Russia”: INRTU Projects Became Finalists for the Russian Mining Award
On October 9-10, INRTU researchers made presentations and held master classes at the 20th mining and geological forum “MINEX Russia 2024” in Moscow. Participants from INRTU became finalists of the Russian Mining Award in one of the most competitive nominations “Personnel Project of the Year”. The strategic project of the Siberian School of Geosciences (SSG) “University - Geological Corporation” and the Student Scientific Association “Alidada” operating at the Department of Mine Surveying and Geodesy were highly evaluated. The projects are implemented under the Priority 2030 Program.
The forum and exhibition “MINEX Russia” is a leading platform for business development in geological, mining, processing and metallurgical industries of Russia and Eurasian Economic Community countries.
Four employees of SSG of INRTU took part in the Forum.

“Siberian School of Geosciences is a research institute and at the same time a major geological corporation in the ore exploration industry. Within the framework of the competition we showed what opportunities such a position gives to the educational process. The main advantage for the industry is that the university assumes the risks of working with young people at an early stage of their career. Thus, the enterprises get specialists with significant practical experience,” noted Scientific Director Alexander Parshin.
The training of engineers is based on the “learn and earn” principle. Students develop mining and cross-cutting competencies, including IT, project management and entrepreneurship. INRTU students participate in R&D, supervise research teams, and work with schoolchildren. Upon graduation, "Alidada" members already have scientific and industrial experience, making them competitive on the labor market.

“We did not expect that we would withstand the competition with large companies and reach the finals of the Russian Mining Awards. However, the finalist diploma is an indicator that we are working in the right direction. Our team will continue to popularize the mining engineering profession through research and events involving schoolchildren,” commented Anastasia Kalugina, Chairman of the Student Scientific Association “Alidada”.
We would like to add that Alexander Parshin held a master class as part of the conference “Human Resources of the Mining and Metallurgical Complex”. Olga Kachor, Head of the Department: Department of Geo-Ecology, joined the MINEXplorer conference for geologists “Topical issues in prospecting, evaluation and exploration of solid minerals”. The topic of the presentation was “Express chemical-analytical support of geological and prospecting works: common misconceptions and real opportunities”. Olga Kachor presented to her colleagues the results of research obtained over 1.5 years in the SSG chemical-analytical laboratory of INRTU, opened within the framework of the Priority 2030 Program.
Photos provided by the forum organizers