Open Dialogue with the Rector of INRTU

INRTU held an open dialogue with the Rector Mikhail Korniakov, during which he outlined the key objectives of the university for 2024-2025.

"The university's strategic goal is to become a prestigious autonomous engineering university with leading positions in Eurasia by 2030. ‘Autonomous’ means that we strive to be more financially independent, our extra-budgetary revenues should be higher than budgetary funds.

In September we received recommendations on the development of new strategic projects in the field of research and development (R&D). 

The main indicator by which the university is evaluated in the Priority 2030 Program is the volume of R&D. Next year we should perform R&D from the industry for 700 million rubles (in 2024 - 579 million rubles). By 2030, this figure should reach 1.3 billion rubles," stated the Rector.

The university is actively working towards increasing the share of professors under the age of 39. Next year this indicator will be 30 %.

Mikhail Korniakov focused on the results of the admission campaign, recalling that 5,749 students were admitted to the university this year. He noted that it is necessary to pay special attention to high scorers and to increase the average Unified State Exam score of students. The Rector once again expressed his gratitude to the Directors of Schools and the Admission Office for their work this year.

According to the Rector, it is necessary to create a user-friendly interface on the university website and make it more transparent for applicants.

"Within the framework of advertising campaigns, it is effective to involve employers. This year, En+ Group has set a good practice by investing its own funds in the admission campaign. We suggest that our business partners follow this example next year," noted Mikhail Korniakov.

The university will continue integrating education with R&D. Much attention will be paid to the program for the development of professional competencies of teachers. A pilot project is being launched to attract PhD and Master's students as Research Assistants and managers of educational programs. The objectives of the research policy are to increase the number of Article and Review papers in international databases (up to 300) and to form comprehensive research and development programs for the benefit of companies. The Rector emphasised that there is a need to analyse and improve the quality of applications to various scientific foundations.

The development of international cooperation will continue within the framework of the following projects: Centre for Clean Water, Technology Transfer Centre, Chemistry of the Future Scientific School and others.

“We have a goal to participate in the competition for the creation of advanced engineering schools. We have been recommended to supervise the projects implemented by Rostec in the region, including aircraft engineering and the large project ‘National Heliogeophysical Complex’. Thus, the advanced engineering school will be called ‘Rostec-Baikal’ and will become a new autonomous subdivision of INRTU and the Institute Of Solar-Terrestrial Physics of Siberian Branch of RAS”, announced Mikhail Korniakov.

The Rector's report also included youth policy objectives related to increasing the share of students involved in research and entrepreneurial activities. It is planned that 25 % of students will be involved in R&D, young entrepreneurs will launch 35 startups.