IPolytech Journal is indexed in the largest Chinese scientific information base CNKI
iPolytech Journal is indexed in the largest Chinese database of scientific information CNKI
The main INRTU edition (until 2021 – «Bulletin of Irkutsk State Technical University») is published since 1997.
The editorial board of the journal has been pursuing a policy of promoting the journal in national and international databases for a long time. In the overall ranking of SCINCE INDEX for 2021 iPolytech Journal took the leading positions in all areas.
According to Galina Privalova, head of scientific journals department, iPolytech Journal moved up to second place in «Metallurgy» ahead of such well-known publications as «Izvestia of Higher Educational Institutions. Ferrous Metallurgy», «Tsvetnaya metallurgy» and 28 other similar journals.
In the field of «Energy» and «Engineering» INRTU journal took the third place, leaving behind the authoritative editions «Energy Policy», «Proceedings of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Energy», «Proceedings of Tomsk Polytechnic University. Engineering of Georesources» and 49 other journals. In terms of engineering topics, iPolytech Journal is ahead of such publications as «Engineering Technologies and Systems», «Bulletin of the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. Series. Mechanical Engineering» and 97 other journals.
iPolytech Journal has been indexed in China's largest scientific information database CNKI (China National Knowledge Infrastructure) since October this year.
CNKI editors select medical, technical and natural science journals.
iPloutech Journal editor-in-chief is Denis Sidorov, Ph.D., head of the Laboratory of Industrial Mathematics at the Baikal BRICS Institute of INRTU.
Denis Sidorov, editor-in-chief of iPloutech Journal, Konstantin Suslov, deputy editor-in-chief, and Samad Noyagdam, a reviewer for the publication, were recently included in the list of the two percent most cited scientists in the world. Stanford University compiles this ranking annually.