INRTU students will master reverse engineering on modern 3D scanners

INRTU acquired three modern 3D scanners worth 3.5 million rubles for the implementation of the program of additional professional education "Information technologies in digital production".

The initiative is aimed at developing students' digital competencies and skills necessary for the implementation of the strategic project Digital Industrial Technologies - i.DIT within the framework of the "Priority 2030" Program.

Both INRTU students and graduates who have received higher or secondary vocational education can become program participants.
According to the head of the i.DIT project, Alexander Makaruk, the new program will help attract students to research activities. In the future, the polytechnic students will solve complex production tasks and become competitive in the labor market.
These 3D scanners will become the material and technical base for mastering one of the disciplines "Reverse engineering of complex engineering objects". The educational process will be led by teachers of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics. Associate Professor of the department Alexandra Perelygina noted that the software allows you to quickly scan the part, getting the necessary information, which immediately arrives on the monitor screen.