INRTU students participated in the international summer school "Dialogue with Asia" in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk

Third-year students of INRTU Lyubov Tambaleeva and Arina Danilova took part in the international summer school "Dialogue with Asia". The educational intensive organized within the framework of the Priority 2030 Program was held at the Sakhalin State University.

"Dialogue with Asia" is a unique project intended to introduce young people to the political, cultural and economic features of Asian countries. The program included three tracks. The participants learned about the philosophy of Eastern martial arts, explored the culture of Eastern civilizations, and immersed themselves in the specifics of business in Asia.

The event attracted about 100 students fr om Baltic Federal University, North-Eastern Federal University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Moscow State Linguistic University, and Higher School of Economics. INRTU was represented by Lyubov Tambaleeva and Arina Danilova, who are studying international economics and business at the university.

Students learned about the school from INRTU social networks. Earlier, Lubov and Arina attended an international festival in Ningbo (Zhejiang Province, China).

"We are actively involved in the projects offered by the department of academic mobility and resource centers of INRTU. It is great that our university has created all opportunities for academic mobility for students", says Lyubov Tambaleeva.

At the summer school in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, the students chose the track "Business Asia: Specifics of Doing Business". Professors from Sakhalin State University and speakers from Japan, South Korea and China prepared fascinating lectures for the participants. They shared their experience in international business. For example, a speaker from Korea explained that most business negotiations in Asia take place in golf clubs.

Within the framework of the educational project the students of INRTU attended practical classes, master classes, excursions and cultural events, got acquainted with Asian cuisine. At the end of the intensives, the participants had to demonstrate the skills learned at the school.

"At the school, we met Chinese students from Pacific State University. What I remember most about the school was the trip to the coast of the Sea of Okhotsk, wh ere we had a traditional Japanese lunch. Thanks to the educational intensive, I strengthened my desire to connect my life with doing business in Asia," Lyubov added.

Arina Danilova also shared her impressions about the trip: 

"Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk is a unique Russian city that became a real discovery for me. Interesting lectures and master classes of the summer school inspired me to further develop in my field. It was an unforgettable experience".

Currently, Arina and Lyubov are planning to go to Dalian for language courses. In the fall of 2024, they intend to take an inclusive course at Beijing University of Technology.