INRTU students celebrated the Students' Day at the Taltsy Museum
The event was held on January 25th at Taltsy Museum, which is located near a picturesque bank of Angara river. Students of different grades got there by the university bus and took part in a lot of activities to stay warm and have some fun.
They competed in an adventure game to win coins. The earned coins could be exchanged for hot cakes. Also students participated in mini-hockey, running on stilts, team skiing, jumping rope and sliding.
The future aircraft engineer, Genty Wopdana (Indonesia), said that she had already been on an excursion to the Taltsy Museum in the summer 2021, but she liked this unique space even more in winter:
“Snow gives the beautiful rural streets a real Siberian atmosphere. At the festival, I was very good on jumping rope and had a lot of fun.
In my homeland in Indonesia, students' day is also celebrated. We have parties, dance and cook national dishes.”