INRTU Ranks First Among the Irkutsk Region’s Universities in the Number of Publications in Scopus Journals
In honor of the Day of Russian Science, which was celebrated on February 8, we would like to share some significant achievements of INRTU researchers – high publication activity in journals of the Scopus international database. In 2024, 234 publications were indexed, which is the best result among universities and academic institutions of the Angara Region.
According to Nadezhda Gorlenko, a leading analyst in the field of scientific and research activities of INRTU, publications in Scopus journals are an indicator of the quality of engineering and technical projects.
High Hirsch index (scientific citation) has the staff of the Baikal School of BRICS – Associate Professor Samad Noyagdam from Iran (28), Head of the Industrial Mathematics Lab Denis Sidorov, Professor Konstantin Suslov (25) and Associate Professor Gopalsamy Karthikeyan from India (20).
Andrey Lvov, Head of the Laboratory of Photofunctional Materials of INRTU and A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, is also notable for his publication activity (19). Olga Boginskaya, Professor of the Department of Foreign Languages No. 2, has a Hirsch index of eight.
Qualitative analysis of publications in Scopus journals (Q1) showed that 10 of them are the results of the fulfillment of state assignments. The team led by Denis Sidorov is engaged in mathematical modeling (National Project “Science and Universities”). Igor Petrushenko focuses on the use of metallurgical waste to create construction materials, polymers and sorbents with improved characteristics. Chemists working with Andrey Lvov are developing photofunctional switches for dynamic covalent, catalytic and sensor systems, and photopharmacology. The latter two studies are being realized within the framework of the Baikal Research Center.
The strategic projects of INRTU within the Priority 2030 Program – i.GeoDesign and i.DIT account for three and two publications, respectively. A significant part of scientific articles in Q1 (43) journals is prepared by external scientific and pedagogical staff and full-time lecturers on various topics. Gopalsamy Karthikeyan, Samad Noyagdam and Konstantin Suslov published 18 papers in 2024.
In Q2 editions 52 works of INRTU students were published, Q3 – 59, Q4 – 19 scientific articles.