INRTU organized the II Summer School for Russian language teachers from Mongolia
On July 27, INRTU completed the II Summer School for Russian language teachers from Mongolia. Nine teachers defended their final presentations and received certificates of professional development course.
The first educational program was held in 2022 with the support of the Mongolian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature. At the time, 28 teachers from Mongolian schools took part in the program.
The project is organized by the IRNTU Center for International Services, headed by Asia Kontrimovich. During the month the participants attended theoretical and practical classes, improved their pronunciation skills, studied pedagogical grammar and new teaching methods.
The graduates of the summer program were congratulated by Anna Melenteva, Head of the International Affairs Department, and Alina Kutimskaja, assistant of Department of Humanities of Baikal School of BRICS. In her speech, Alina Kutimskaja addressed the teachers:
"I enjoyed working with a group of Mongolian teachers, each of whom has great potential and ability to teach. I am sure that your students will master the Russian language. I wish you to apply the skills learned at the Summer School in your teaching job."Cultural events aimed at exploring Russian traditions and sights of the region were included in the educational program. The participants visited city museums, architectural and ethnographic museum "Taltsy" and the village of Listvyanka.
A teacher from Ulaanbaatar School No. 24, Harlan B. shared her impressions:

"The INRTU staff welcomed us warmly and prepared an interesting program. The most memorable for me was the Trubetskie House Museum. It’s my first year of working as a teacher, so it was especially important for me to take a career development course. I have been studying Russian since childhood and it was my school teacher who cultivated interest in it.”
Purevdorj Tsermaa from Ulaanbaatar Comprehensive School decided to become a participant of the Summer School for the second time:

"Last year, classes ended at the end of August. In September, I started applying elements of interactive learning to the educational process. This allowed me to increase students' interest in learning certain topics. This time I went to INRTU to consolidate knowledge and to practice communicating with native speakers. An important aspect in language learning is getting acquainted with the cultural patterns of the country. Our group was very impressed by Irkutsk museums and Lake Baikal"
Summarizing the results of the event, Anna Melenteva thanked the Mongolian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature for their help in carrying out the project:

"The purpose of our educational program is to popularize the Russian language and strengthen good relations with Mongolia. The II Summer School includes two runs, the next one starts on August the 3rd. 19 participants will attend the course. Among them Russian language teachers from Mongolian schools, university professors from China and Nigeria. The course is funded by the state budget and will be on until August 25th.”