INRTU Organized a Summer Camp for International Students of SDG-15 “Guardians of Nature”

In August, INRTU organized a summer camp for international students dedicated to the 15th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-15) at the INRTU base. The event was organized by the university's Center for International Services (CIS).

In August, INRTU organized a summer camp for international students dedicated to the 15th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG-15) at the INRTU base. The event was organized by the university's Center for International Services (CIS).

Representative of the Center for International Services Stephanie Kirilova took part in the camp. According to her, the camp brought together 16 people, including nine students, five organizers, a representative fr om Nigeria and a guide from CIS.

“First of all, I would like to stress the high level of preparation of the organizers from the International Students Council Garba Ahmad Yakubu, Akinkumi Akinsami Benjamin, Elhamidi Mohamed Ali Mohamed Shehata, Awal Salamatu Junior and Mark Ijeoma Precious.

The camp program was carefully organized and scheduled literally minute by minute. Each day began with a morning exercise, then the students were attending lectures, active classes and entertainment activities.

Special attention should be paid to the lectures of Prof. Mohamed Abubakar. He gave three lectures, two of which were on the topics of “Transformational Leadership: Lessons from the Eagle” and “Biodiversity and SD- 15: Life on Land”. The first lecture particularly impressed the students, inspiring discussion and reflection throughout the camp,” commented Stephanie Kirilova.

She emphasized that the spirit of unity and teamwork was an integral part of the event.

 “On the first day, the students were able to swim in the bay. This was a special joy for the guys, considering that for some of them it was the first experience of swimming in a Siberian river.

In the evening there was a lecture on “Introduction to SDG-15: Life on Land”. Then, during a quiz, students competed in translating from Russian to English and vice versa.

The second day started with another lecture and concluded with a documentary about elephants in Africa, which impressed everyone.

The students were able to demonstrate their abilities at the talent show. Guys sang and danced; everyone was unique in their own way. For example, Aval Salma showed her skill to carry a heavy water bottle on her head while dancing and talking at the same time. Everyone particularly enjoyed the performance of Junior Vilankul, who described his first visit to Russia so funny that many people saw him as an aspiring standup comic,” noted Stephanie Kirilova.

The summer camp program included an intellectual competition “Where is the logic?”, as well as author's projects and action plans that can be implemented on the university campus or in their home countries. One of the projects was approved for further development and is planned for presentation at the general meeting in September. The participants expressed their desire to continue SDG-15 activities in the future.

After working on the projects the organizers decided to have a barbecue, ordered delivery, delicious kebab in the summer gazebo was cooked by student Elhamidi Mohamed. In the evening there was a traditional “candle” - a meeting wh ere everyone shared their impressions of the camp. Despite the tiredness from the intense program, all participants were satisfied. The last evening ended with a mafia game.

On the final day, the students cleaned their rooms and the territory, collected garbage left by other campers and took common pictures.

“I would like to especially note the work of the organizers, who, despite the exhaustion and difficulties, showed a high level of responsibility and teamwork. Every evening, after the participants went to their rooms, the organizers got together to discuss the day. Everyone supported each other. I gave them advice for the future: to invite extra assistants to help, especially in technical matters”.