INRTU Oil Sharks Inc. Team - Winner of the Autumn Cup of the CASE IN International Engineering Championship
The INRTU Oil Sharks inc. team has won the Student League of the CASE IN Autumn Cup XI International Engineering Championship. INRTU students Maxim Egorov, Dmitry Melentiev and Kirill Sokolnikov developed a project on import substitution of equipment for one of the companies of OJSC ALROSA. The Rector of INRTU, Mikhail Kornyakov, congratulated the students on their victory in this major intellectual competition.
The CASE IN International Engineering Championship is part of the Russia - a Country of Opportunities ANO platform. The cases of the XI season are united by the theme of technological leadership. Nearly 13.5 thousand participants worked on solving problems relevant to partner companies, 5200 of them took part in the Autumn Cup, which traditionally concludes the championship. 61 teams - 219 pupils, students and young specialists - reached the finals. Based on the results of the expert evaluation, 15 teams became champions.
The Oil Sharks inc. team from the INRTU School of Subsurface Resource Management was recognized as the leader of the student league that worked on the ALROSA case. According to Captain Maxim Egorov, the case of the diamond mining company was interesting for two reasons. The participants of Oil Sharks inc. are future oilmen who should immerse themselves in mining and then offer an alternative to foreign equipment. Taken together, this is a roadmap for import substitution for one of ALROSA's companies.

"Our solution is a module that automatically determines the rating of equipment and selects the best model for the user's needs. We independently create a catalogue of domestic equipment and technical offers from friendly countries for the system. With the help of the module, the company will be able to choose what is suitable according to performance characteristics and other parameters. In order for the module to work smoothly, there are restrictions when searching for equipment," says Maxim Egorov.
The students of the Oil Sharks inc. team thank Alexey Shevchenko, Head of the School of Subsurface Resource Management, and Valentina Chetverikova, Associate Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Engineering, for their assistance in preparing for the championship and organizing consultations with relevant specialists. INRTU members are grateful to Associate Professor Evgeny Ivanov, who provided valuable advice on the project presentation.
The INRTU students finished ahead of the Lobachevsky's Straight from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (2nd place) and 4Volta from MPEI (3rd place). Oil Sharks inc. plans to participate in season XII, which will be dedicated to lean manufacturing, and solve a case study on oil and gas.
Photo by CASE IN organizers and Arseniy Chekmaryov