INRTU Is the Top Scientific and Educational Institution in the Angara Region by the Number of Publications in Scopus Journals
INRTU topped the ranking of the 10 scientific and educational institutions of the Angara Region by the number of publications in journals included in the Scopus international database. In 2024, 147 INRTU's papers were indexed, of which 121 were scientific articles.
Irkutsk ranks fourth in Siberia by the number of publications in Scopus journals, behind Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Krasnoyarsk. The analysis of publication activity of universities and scientific organizations of Irkutsk was conducted by the editorial staff of the Telegram-channel “Circum-Baikal Science”. By September of the current year Irkutsk scientists have published 837 works.

According to Nadezhda Gorlenko, a leading analyst in the field of scientific and research activities of INRTU, publications in journals from the Scopus database are an indicator of the quality of engineering projects. The results of research of INRTU's scientists in engineering, materials science, earth sciences, physics and other fields are published in reputable journals. Some papers are co-authored by undergraduate and graduate students.
Denis Sidorov, Head of the Industrial Mathematics Lab of Baikal School of BRICS, Associate Professor Samad Noyagdam, and Professor Konstantin Suslov have the highest Hirsch Index (scientific citation). Andrei Lvov, Head of the Laboratory of Photofunctional Materials at INRTU, Igor Petrushenko, Head of the Laboratory of Integrated Waste Processing of Energy and Metallurgical Complex, and Alexander Burdonov, Associate Professor of the Department of Mineral Processing and Environmental Protection, Head of the Laboratory of Flotation and Reagent Chemistry, are also among the most active authors.
The top-10, apart from INRTU, included Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry, Institute of Geochemistry, Institute of the Earth’s Crust, Irkutsk State Medical University and others.