INRTU Digital Department: Future-proof Projects for the Mining Industry, Aircraft Construction and Mechanical Engineering

IRNITU's Digital Department (Priority 2030 Program) has trained over 80 people in two new specialties. The graduates will receive professional retraining diplomas in the following IT tracks: Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Components, and Design and Automation of Production in the Mining Industry.

The Digital Department project was launched by Russia's Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media. It aims to provide priority economic sectors with IT specialists. The initiative is managed by Innopolis University (Republic of Tatarstan).

Oleg Arsentev, Head of the Department of Electrical Drives and Vehicles (INRTU School of Power Engineering), runs the program to train specialists to solve complex problems in the field of mining equipment automation. The training jointly organized with TechnoAvtomatika was attended by 33 INRTU students. They are the second-year students of the Automation of Technological Processes and Productions (INRTU School of High Technologies) and Electrical Equipment and Automation in Manufacturing and Energy Industries profiles.

"The program includes four modules that allow students to go fr om the basics of design to the creation of automated control systems for various processes in the mining industry. The program's final module was conducted by the main partner - Deputy Director of TechnoAvtomatika Konstantin Kharchenko. He was eager to contribute to the students’ professional development and set up a tour of the production facilities for them. This is a great opportunity for the graduates of the Digital Department to determine their future career path," emphasized Oleg Arsentev.

One of the projects was the automated control of the crane movement mechanism during auxiliary mining operations. The program’s authors were students Anastasia Vyguzova, Vladimir Belyakin, Evgeny Lobza, Dmitry Azenstein, Evgeny Kalinin and Tatiana Kostyleva.

"Under the guidance of Professor Mikhail Dunaev, we studied the design of the crane, determined its application in the mining industry, and proposed a technical way to control the electric drive. Our team also created cyclograms of the motion mechanism operation with the definition of experimental diagrams. To complete the project, we presented the logistics controller algorithm and program," said Tatiana Kostyleva.

Ruslan Zaytsev, Tatiana Kuznetsova and Pyotr Gaidar, future aircraft builders, graduates of the Reverse Engineering of Mechanical Engeneering Products program, carried out the Modeling of the Pneumatic Tool Engine work. The project was supervised by Alexandra Perelygina, Head of the Reverse Engineering Bureau (Priority 2030 Program), Head of the Department of Engineering and Computer Graphics. The students were also advised by Associate Professor Svetlana Pavlikova.

"We performed volumetric scanning of the pneumatic tool engine parts, processed the scans and developed solid models. We also performed deviation analysis and prepared drawings. The plans are to adjust the dimensions to GOST standards and complete the project based on the wishes of Enerpred, the customer. We will use the capacities acquired in the Digital Department in other, no less promising, studies," said Pyotr Gaidar.

Alexander Barakov, Head of the Enerpred Design Department, also appreciated the students' project.

"The company is currently working with INRTU to develop a domestic pneumatic tool line to meet the aircraft industry needs. That is why the project of future aircraft builders caught my attention. The team presented accurate 3D models of the tool. But I would recommend that the INRTU team take a closer look at the parts production material, both technologically and operationally. After all, we need to use Russian manufacturers' products as much as possible. As an expert in the Digital Department, I have found that INRTU students and graduates are ready for practical work. Considering the lack of engineering staff, we invite students to Enepred, wh ere they can develop professional skills and build a career," Alexander Barakov said.

In 2024 more than 1150 people will become graduates of the INRTU Digital Department in five topical IT areas, over 50 of them are representatives of the Irkutsk State University and Irkutsk State Transport University (IrGUPS).

Photos by Pyotr Gaidar