INRTU Congratulates the Irkutsk Aviation Plant on Its Anniversary

INRTU staff congratulates the Irkutsk Aviation Plant (IAP) - branch of JSC Yakovlev - on its 90th anniversary. INRTU is proud that this leading company in Russian aircraft manufacturing is a strategic partner of the university. Thanks to the dedicated work of many generations of scientists, engineers, workers, and pilots, IAP produces advanced aircraft. The plant has its own production school, where traditions combine with unique design and technological solutions.

The intelligence, hard work, and skills of the IAP team have allowed them to create about eight thousand aircraft of more than 30 models and modifications over the last 90 years. These planes were delivered to 40 countries worldwide.

The products of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant have made a significant contribution to the defense capability of our country. The first aircraft produced by IAP in 1935 was the I-14 fighter, followed by the SB high-speed bomber. During World War II, the plant produced Pe-2 dive bombers, long-range bombers Il-4, Il-6, and Yer-2, and after the war, torpedo bombers Tu-14.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the plant produced front-line bombers Il-28, transport aircraft An-12 and An-24, and in the 1970s and 1980s, supersonic fighters and bombers MiG-23, MiG-27, and Su-27.

Since the 1990s, the plant has been producing various modifications of the 4+ generation multirole fighter Su-30. During the difficult years of restructuring, the plant began producing the Be-200 amphibious aircraft. Since the early 2000s, it has been producing the Yak-130 combat training aircraft and the Yak-152 training aircraft.

In recent years, the plant has become a powerful research and production center, solving complex and unique tasks. The Irkutsk Aviation Plant opened a new chapter in its history with the launch of a major project in the Russian aviation industry to create the MS-21 civil airliner, which first flew on May 28, 2017. The launch of serial production of the passenger aircraft is an ambitious goal that will define the future of the plant for many years. Faculty, young scientists, and students of INRTU have made a significant contribution to the technological preparation of MS-21 production.

Currently, 3,265 INRTU graduates work at the plant. Every year, about 100 INRTU graduates are employed there, and up to 300 students undergo industrial internships at the plant.

INRTU wishes the employees of the aviation plant to maintain their earned reputation and continue working productively for the development of domestic aviation and strengthening the power of our Motherland. We wish you good health, endless energy, and new professional achievements!

INRTU has prepared a musical gift for the 90th anniversary of the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. Igor and Evgeny Smirnovs wrote the song “Irkutsk Wings” specially for the anniversary. The music was also composed by Evgeny Smirnov. The musical composition is dedicated to the creation of the MS-21 aircraft. You can watch the video prepared by the university's press service on all the university's social networks.

Materials provided by the Irkutsk Aviation Plant were used in the creation of the video. The song "Irkutsk Wings" will be performed for the first time at one of the celebratory events dedicated to the 90th anniversary of IAP.

The composition will be performed by Vladimir Lubkov, a graduate of the School of Aircraft Construction, Mechanical Engineering and Transport of INRTU and a second-category engineer-dispatcher at the Production Dispatch Department (section 304). Vladimir is the soloist of the INRTU’s folk club of the Russian song "Kalina" and a laureate and grand prix winner of international and all-Russian festivals and competitions.

Watch the video here