INRTU and RAS Professor Denis Sidorov Is Among the World's Most Cited Scientists According To Elsevier
Head of the Industrial Mathematics Lab of the Baikal School of BRICS of INRTU, PhD in Physics and Mathematics Denis Sidorov was included in the list of the top two percent of the most cited scientists in the world. The rating was compiled by Elsevier, the largest publisher of scientific literature.
According to the editorial board of “Circum-Baikal Science”, 10 researchers from Irkutsk and Ulan-Ude were recognized for their work in 2023, four of whom represent the A.E. Favorsky Irkutsk Institute of Chemistry SB RAS. Among those honored is Denis Sidorov, the editor-in-chief of iPolytech Journal (the journal is published at INRTU) and a researcher at the Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAN.
Since 1995, 179 papers by Denis Sidorov have been indexed in RINC. The Irkutsk mathematician has published 126 papers in journals belonging to the Web of Science, 31 - in conference proceedings included in the Scopus database. Last year Denis Sidorov published seven papers under his authorship. Part of the research was supported by the Russian National Foundation and the Federal Target Program of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. In 2024, professor prepared eight scientific publications; two papers are currently in printing.
One of the latest was a joint article by Denis Sidorov and scientists from Harbin Institute of Technology for the Energies journal. The international team proposed a new approach to protecting an induction motor from overheating on the basis of a digital twin. According to the researchers, this is especially relevant when motor parameters cannot be measured directly due to technical limitations.
Now Denis Sidorov considers the problem of numerical solution of integral equations of a special kind. The qualitative theory and existence theorems for the equations have been proved recently, but there are no works on the numerical solution. Publication of the results is expected in Elsevier journals - APNUM (Applied Numerical Mathematics) and RENE (Renewable Energy).

“The second paper will be devoted to the problem of estimating the charge of energy storage devices using Kolmogorov-Arnold-type neural networks. Such networks are based on fundamental results of approximation theory obtained by our compatriots, academicians Andrei Nikolayevich Kolmogorov and Vladimir Igorevich Arnold,” Denis Sidorov shared the plans.
As the professor noted, when preparing papers, he avoids verbosity in order to convey information to readers in clear language and to get feedback.
"As part of the celebration of the Day of Russian Science at INRTU, I gave lectures on how to publish in prestigious international journals. However, much depends on the relevance of research. It is ideal when one manages to develop a new direction, as a rule, only time will show it,” added Denis Sidorov.