Graduates Of INRTU's School Of High Technologies Are Awaited By Major Oil, Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Gold And Diamond Mining Companies.
The School of High Technologies of INRTU graduated 200 bachelor’s and master’s students, 75 of whom graduated with honors, and 11 were in the top 100. The graduation ceremony took place in the assembly hall on July 8. Representatives from 15 major oil and chemical, pharmaceutical, gold, and diamond mining companies congratulated the students.
The event was opened by the Rector of INRTU, Mikhail Korniakov, who delighted everyone present with the musical composition "Starfall," written by Alexandra Pakhmutova in 1965.

"Today you are joining the ranks of engineers in our country. For some of you, I am not only the Rector but also a teacher - five of my diploma students are in this hall.
INRTU does not say goodbye to you. We are confident that many will continue their studies in the master's or doctoral programs, return to the university as teachers or employers. Each of you becomes a member of the Alumni Association and can use the university's electronic resources," said Mikhail Korniakov.
Olga Bezrodnykh, head of the personnel search and adaptation department of Sayanskkhimplast JSC, joined in the congratulations:
"You have graduated from one of the leading universities in our country. Ahead lies an interesting professional path. Wear the title of INRTU graduate with pride. Let your chosen profession become your true calling, achieve great heights. We, in turn, will be happy to hire graduates at Sayanskkhimplast."
Interest in the graduates of the School of High Technologies was expressed by companies such as MedTechService, Pharmasyntez, Polyus Magadan, Polymetal, Sibintek, Gazprom Dobycha Irkutsk, and the Ilim Group. Graduates are invited by the Angarsk Petrochemical Company, the Irkutsk Polymer Plant, and the company Signal Everywhere, founded by INRTU graduate Sergey Kren.
Warm words for the graduates were spoken by Dmitry Kostylev, Executive Director of the Irkutsk Regional Branch of Business Russia, and Vyacheslav Glushakov, General Director of the Angarsk Electrolytic Chemical Plant (a division of Rosatom).
Elena Nikolenko, head of the HR department at the RUSAL Taishet Aluminum Plant, told the university graduates about the advantages of employment: "Our plant is equipped with modern equipment, which allows us to create an environmentally friendly production process. We create comfortable working conditions. The main value of the company is our employees. We provide young specialists with corporate housing, an extended social package, and career growth opportunities."
At the event, the first graduates of the Corporate Training Center of ALROSA company were awarded. The diplomas of retraining and valuable prizes were presented by the Director of the School of High Technologies, Evgenii Antsiferov, and the Deputy Head of the Specialized Trust "Almazavtomatika" of ALROSA company, Sergey Shamanaev.
The graduation ceremony and gifts from partners were presented by Evgenii Antsiferov and the Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs of INRTU, Vladimir Smirnov. The top 100 leaders received recommendation letters from the rector.

"There is no doubt that our students will make a significant contribution to the technological development of our country. It is up to you to implement the latest methods, automate processes at the largest enterprises. Continue to gain new knowledge, grow, and achieve success," Evgenii Antsiferov encouraged the graduates.
Elena Kausheva, Vladislav Galeev, Nicole Ivchik, and Ksenia Gorykova spoke in response. During their studies, they excelled in science, creativity, and public activities.

“Four years passed unnoticed. I want to thank the Student Union, the Student Media Center, and the theater 'Predmestye'. Thanks to these groups, I will warmly remember my student years. At INRTU, I not only received a good education but also made friends," said Elena Kausheva, a member of the top 100 ranking and holder of a red diploma.
Vladislav Galeev graduated with honors in the field of Nanotechnology and Microsystem Engineering. He combined his studies at the university with work in the laboratory of complex processing of waste from the energy and metallurgical complex, created within the framework of the Baikal Science and Education Center.

"My first steps in science were under the guidance of Nikolai Arkadievich Ivanov. I am grateful to my mentor for his valuable knowledge and support. At INRTU, each of us found our favorite activity. I intend to continue my studies in the master's program at the School of High Technologies and conduct research in the laboratory," Vladislav shared his plans.
Ksenia Datskevich graduated from the INRTU master's program in Theoretical Fundamentals of Designing Equipment for Oil and Gas Processing, Petrochemical, and Chemical Production. Earlier, she obtained the profession of a cadastral engineer at the Institute of Architecture, Construction, and Design:

"Two diverse diplomas open up great professional prospects.
I am glad that several years ago I chose INRTU. While studying in the bachelor's program, I represented the university in large-scale sports aerobics championships, received the title of Master of Sports of Russia, and entered the top 100 graduates."
At the end of the event, a video with moments of student life was shown to the song "Time to hit the road."
The graduation evening was organized by the Career Center, the Cultural and Mass Work Center. Guests were delighted with creative performances by the Ballroom dance club "Akademik" and the studio "Ethnobit," consisting of graduates Andrey Martsenyuk and Igor Seryozhkin. The event was hosted by student Ksenia Bezik.