Future Aircraft Builders – Participants of the "Rostec Wings" Project from INRTU Interned at MAI and PJSC "Yakovlev"

Students of the Institute of Aviation Engineering and Transport of INRTU successfully completed an interregional internship under the "Rostec Wings" program. The students visited the Moscow Aviation Institute, solving real production tasks at the central divisions of PJSC "Yakovlev."

The goal of the interregional internship is to familiarize students with partner universities of the "Rostec Wings" project, design bureaus, and productions of PJSC "UAC."

The internship in Moscow for 10 students started on July 1. The interns visited laboratories, museums, and the technopark of the Moscow Aviation Institute, attended lectures on artificial intelligence, additive technologies, and energy systems. They also visited the "Russia" exhibition and went to the village of Monino, where the Central Air Force Museum is located.

The next two weeks, the future aircraft builders spent in the central divisions of PJSC "Yakovlev" – the engineering center and the integration center. The main activity of the latter is the development, integration, and debugging of aircraft onboard equipment complexes.

The knowledge gained at the Department of Aircraft Construction and Operation of Aviation Equipment of INRTU, headed by Igor Bobarika, helped the students to show themselves well during the internship. For example, Vladislav Rudenko managed to solve a real problem related to the air conditioning system of one of the aircraft.

"I interned at the engineering center, where a task came fr om test pilots. I worked on the problem for three days. The head of the design bureau highly appreciated my solution and passed it on to the chief designer Vitaly Yuryevich Naryshkin," said Vladislav Rudenko.

According to the student, the internship in Moscow only strengthened his motivation to become a high-class design engineer: "In childhood, I dreamed of becoming a pilot, but as I grew up, I became interested in engineering. Thanks to the internship, I learned more about the aviation industry in Russia. I will remember most of all the successful work on the case, visiting aviation museums, and the trip to Monino."

Another participant in the interregional internship was Tatyana Kuznetsova. She learned about the "Rostec Wings" program from her mother, a documentation engineer at IAZ.

"The Moscow Aviation Institute impressed me with its scale and modern educational locations. I interned at the engineering center, wh ere I assembled an aircraft in a special program.

From the first year, all participants in the "Rostec Wings" project are employed at the Irkutsk Aviation Plant. The internship helped to compare the processes of PJSC "UAC" enterprises. Working at the Irkutsk plant is much more interesting due to the proximity of office departments to production," Tatyana shared her impressions.

The student added that in their free time, the Irkutsk students visited the main attractions of the capital and met future aircraft builders from other regions. This summer, seven MAI students interned at the Irkutsk Polytechnic and the Irkutsk Aviation Plant – a branch of PJSC "Yakovlev."


The "Rostec Wings" program started in 2020 to train engineering and technical specialists for aircraft manufacturing enterprises. The target program participants are applicants with high USE scores and knowledge of the English language. From the first year of study, students are employed at an aviation enterprise that is part of PJSC "UAC."