En+ Company Organized a Tour to Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station for Applicants of the School of Power Engineering of INRTU

En+ Company organized a tour to the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station for applicants of the School of Power Engineering of INRTU. The future engineers were introduced to the rich history of the station and the main production processes.

The tour was conducted by the energy workers of the enterprise. They shared their extensive experience and spoke about the importance of the profession. The applicants were shown the large hydroturbines, which convert water pressure into electricity.

Georgiy Kondratyev, who graduated fr om Oyok Secondary School with excellent grades, shared his impressions of the Irkutsk Hydroelectric Power Station:

"The employees of the enterprise are true masters of their craft. For me, the most memorable part was the scenic view from the power station. The tour made me feel part of a large enterprise and meet other applicants."

Georgiy added that he learned about the School of Power Engineering at a career guidance event at his school.

"INRTU is a modern university that offers great opportunities. Graduates of technical specialties are in demand in the job market," explained the applicant.

Semyon Pavlov came to apply to INRTU from Belorechensk, wh ere he successfully graduated from the lyceum. During the tour, he learned interesting facts about the construction of the hydroelectric power station and watched the huge hydroturbines in action.

"I did well on the Unified State Exam, scoring over 230 points in three subjects. I applied to several institutes at INRTU that train energy specialists, resource managers, and aerospace engineers. I consider these fields to be the most promising. I look forward to a vibrant student life and new acquaintances," said the applicant.

One of the tour participants was Eltaf Khotak, a graduate of Irkutsk School No. 76. He was most impressed by the scale of the enterprise and the friendliness of the employees. Eltaf plans to successfully graduate from the School of Power Engineering and become a highly skilled engineer.

Additionally, En+ is actively involved in the admission campaign of INRTU. For applicants of the School of Power Engineering, the company has prepared branded gifts, which are given to every hundredth person who submits an application.

Students of the School of Power Engineering can participate in the En+ scholarship program and receive monthly payments ranging from 5,000 to 25,000 rubles. Starting from the second year, polytechnic students are offered the opportunity to join the Corporate Educational and Research Center "EuroSibEnergo-INRTU" with subsequent guaranteed employment at En+ enterprises. More information about the joint projects of the School of Power Engineering and En+ can be found at the link.