Baikal Strategies Club and INRTU Ecological Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Environments Laboratory Cooperate on BPPM Waste Processing
Baikal Strategies Club and INRTU Ecological Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Environments Laboratory are developing cooperation. Executive director of Baikal Strategies Club Elmira Semenova and club expert, Ph.D. in Physics and Mathematics, senior researcher of Thermogasdynamics Laboratory of SB RAS Institute of Thermophysics (Novosibirsk) Igor Ogorodnikov held a meeting with Anastasia Shatrova, Ph.D. in Technology, researcher of INRTU Ecological Monitoring of Natural and Anthropogenic Environments Laboratory.
Cooperation prospects between the club and the laboratory in the field of waste processing from Baikal Pulp and Paper Mill (BPPM, Baikalsk) were discussed. In particular, the possibility of processing lignin and sludge-lignin into soil by means of vermiculture was considered.
INRTU employee Anastasia Shatrova told about the study of soil-ground by the laboratory, pilot tests at the former BPPM's Solzanskaya site, technologies used, a patent for the land reclamation technology obtained.

"We are most keen to cooperate with the Baikal Strategies Club. We are interested in exchanging experience in solving various problems in the field of ecology in general, and in the field of organic waste processing with obtaining valuable marketable products (soil, fertilizers), in particular. It is also important to familiarize the public with our developed environmentally friendly technology of processing BPPM's sludge-lignin sediments. Generally speaking, the laboratory team is always open to any ecologically related cooperation," said Anastasia Shatrova.
According to her, in the accredited laboratory of INRTU, headed by Prof. Dr.Sc. Andrei Bogdanov, they carry out chemical, agrochemical and toxicological analysis of various natural and anthropogenic environments, including soils and grounds.
At the meeting, Igor Ogorodnikov, the Club expert and the author of the Eco-house concept, reported on his activities in the field of closed cycles and nature-like technologies:

"The concept of ‘eco-house’, introduced in 1987, implies the maximum use of solar energy for generating heat. Eco-house functions on the principle of closed cycles - all waste is recycled into soil. On the basis of SB RAS Institute of Thermophysics 25 conferences on eco-friendly house building were held. Experts of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences and representatives of Russian universities joined them. The technology of soil production from organic matter using vermiculture, including the use of lignin, has been developed and is currently being introduced".
As Elmira Semenova noted, solving the region's environmental problems is the focus of the Baikal Strategies Club:

"Part of the club's team is engaged in nature-like technologies and believes that they are worthy of serious consideration and implementation. Lake Baikal already boasts such facilities. There are plans to build a composting toilet as an element of a closed-cycle system in Zalog village of Kachugsky District. These technologies have proven to be efficient and safe. One of the objectives is to bring this technology to the target consumers. It is a challenging but gradually achievable task".
The parties agreed on joint steps, in particular, the analysis of soil samples taken after waste processing would be performed. It is planned to organize a joint scientific-practical conference with the participation of INRTU experts and the Institute of Thermophysics.
INFORMATION: Baikal Strategies Club is an association of intellectuals, businessmen, experts and high level specialists from various branches, gathered for a common goal: formation of a new, long-term and effective strategy for the development of the Baikal region and its implementation.
Information and photo content for the article provided by Baikal Strategies Club