Results of the II International Russian Language Summer School for Mongolian university and high school students summed up at INRTU

At INRTU on June 20th, the results of the II International Summer School of the Russian Language for students and schoolchildren fr om Mongolia were summarized. The participants gave presentations wh ere they talked about their work, student life, hobbies, and dreams, and recited poems. Then, the attendees received certificates for completing their studies.

Let's remind you that the educational intensive started on June 4th. The program included language courses and training in project skills. The participants also took a tour around Irkutsk, visited the Taltsy Architectural and Ethnographic Museum, and went to Lake Baikal. By the final day, nine participants had prepared presentations in Russian, where they talked about their hobbies and families. They paid special attention to the traditions of their native country and their national dishes.

At the closing ceremony, the Head of the Academic Mobility Department, Nina Berngard, spoke and thanked the guests from Mongolia for their courage and interesting, informative presentations.

“Your speech was very fluent and accurate. From the presentations, I learned a lot about you and your culture. While speaking, you also recited poems, which was amazing, not only in Russian but also in other languages. The ability to speak different languages broadens your horizons and helps you grow personally,” said Nina Berngard.

A second-year student from the Mongolian State University of Education, Ikhlas Lashin, is preparing to become a teacher of English and Russian. The student says she chose the teaching profession to make the world a better place:

“I am sure that I can give young people not only knowledge but also valuable life skills. I will support them, improve their motivation, and teach them to respect others.”

Lashin grew up in the city of Bayan-Ulgii, known for its Kazakh community in Mongolia. In her free time, she writes poems in her native Kazakh language. For the International Summer School team, she read one of her works dedicated to a famous local writer and also recited poetry by Pushkin.

Boldt Enkhchimeg shared her impressions of the school. She dreamed of becoming a lawyer but started studying Russian in 7th grade. This gave her an important goal—to become a teacher. Enkhchimeg noted that, thanks to the project at INRTU, she improved her knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and her speaking skills.

“I grew up in Arkhangai aimag. I traveled a lot with my parents around Mongolia as a tourist. Visiting Irkutsk was my first time abroad. I dream of traveling and visiting all continents. I want to learn about the cultures of different peoples. From my trips, I will bring not only souvenirs but also memories. The impressions that remain after travels cannot be lost or forgotten,” Enkhchimeg shared her plans.

At the closing ceremony of the International Summer School of the Russian Language, the teachers were given thank-you notes.