Illuminated Arches and Art Objects Decorated Lermontov Street on the Initiative of INRTU

At the initiative of INRTU, the sidewalk and the space along Lermontov Street were upgraded. The area was decorated with modern benches, illuminated arches and art objects. Soon a warm bus stop will be opened here.

According to Roman Grinyuk, Head of Campus Management, the funds for the arrangement in the amount of 16.5 million rubles were allocated after winning the competition within the framework of the federal program “Formation of Comfortable Urban Environment”.

“Along the street, the sidewalk paving was replaced; urns, benches and ramps were installed. The space will also be complemented by equipped parking lots for scooters and bicycles, a warm bus stop consisting of open and closed premises.

Lermontov Street can be called a truly student street. Therefore, the project of arrangement is made in a youthful style. Illuminated arches instead of lampposts, interestingly shaped benches and art objects are the creative ideas of Campus Management Designer Yana Leontieva,” explains Roman Grinyuk.

The space near the university will be complemented by original information stands designed by INRTU designer Yulia Novikova. The stand, which will be palced near the INRTU bust stop, will give citizens an opportunity to learn the rich history of the university. It will show the main stages of the university's development, including its opening, obtaining the category “National Research University”, participation in the Priority 2030 Program, and so on.

Information about Anatoly Andreevich Igoshin, the rector of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute and a well-known scientific figure, will be displayed on the sidewalk in the direction of Igoshin Street. His name is associated with the establishment of a higher engineering and technical school in the region, the construction of a campus on the left bank of the Angara River and the current building of the Irkutsk Polytechnic Institute.

The modern arrangement of the street was appreciated by the mayor of Irkutsk Ruslan Bolotov. He noted that the space has become a gift to all residents of the neighborhood, and especially to the students who walk along this road to INRTU every day.