With our information support – to knowledge and professional success!

Today INRTU Scientific and Technical Library is one of the largest university libraries of technical profile in the East-Siberian region. The library has a collection of 1 mln. editions. Annually the library serves 70 thousand readers.

Library users have access to licensed scientific and educational electronic resources of Russian and foreign electronic library systems and databases in all areas of specialist training.

  • The readers provided with automated services, including remote services.
  • Free access of readers to the collections of reading rooms and lending library is available.
  • Reading rooms are equipped with modern computers with special licensed software installed for scientific, term and diploma works.
  • There are also available printers, scanners, self-service terminals and other modern equipment, including specialized for persons with disabilities.

In order to start using the library it is necessary to carefully familiarize yourself with the Library Rules and fill in the registration form, thus confirming your obligations to comply with the rules.

Library opening hours
Reading rooms: 9:00 - 17:00
Book lending : 10:00 - 17:00 (lunch 12:00-12:30)
Day off: Sat, Sun

Useful linksLibrary WhatsApp group for international students
Library VKontakte group
Library Telegram bot
Library Telegram channel
Library users Telegram chat
Library YouTube channel

Library page (russian)

Contacts Postal address: 83, Lermontova St., Irkutsk, 664074
Phone: +7(3952)40-52-69