Economic efficiency of transport projects

Ability to evaluate: - costs and results of the transport organization; - economic efficiency of modern transport and logistics technologies for the delivery of goods and passengers

The goal of mastering the discipline

To form students' ability to determine the costs and results of activities and the economic efficiency of transport projects.

The skills you get

  • offset

Topics covered

  • 1. Main indicators of economic efficiency of transport projects 2. Groupings of transport project efficiency indicators 3. Commercial efficiency of engineering solutions. 4. Budget efficiency of transport projects 5. Main indicators of economic efficiency of investment projects

When instructed

  • 4th year, 2nd semester

List of references and sourses

1. Basovsky L. E. Economic evaluation of investments: a textbook for universities in the specialty 080502 Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry) / L. E. Basovsky, E. N. Basovskaya, 2012. - 240, [1].
2. Kasyanenko T. G. Economic evaluation of investments: textbook and workshop textbook for university students studying in economic areas and specialties / T. G. Kasyanenko, G. A. Makhovikova, 2015. - 558.
3. Economic evaluation of investments: a textbook for universities in the specialty "Economics and management at the enterprise (by industry)": for bachelors, specialists and masters / M. I. Rimer, N. N. Matienko, S. A. Nosov [and others .], 2014. - 432.
4. Guidelines for conducting practical classes in the discipline "Economic evaluation of investments" [Electronic resource]: direction of preparation 38.03.01 "Economics": profile "Finance and credit", "World economy", "Economics of enterprises and organizations": qualification bachelor : full-time form of education / Irkut. nat. research tech. un-t, Dept. expertise and ex. real estate, 2018. - 14.