Quality management of technological processes of maintenance and repair
Quality Management Mechanism, Wheeled Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Quality Management System. Tasks and functions of departments and services of the enterprise for quality management of maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles, Quality control. Quality Economics Management
The goal of mastering the discipline
mastering theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the field of quality management of maintenance and repair of vehicles in motor transport enterprises
The skills you get
- He has the skills to manage the quality of maintenance and repair of vehicles in a motor transport company and the ability to independently make decisions to improve the quality of maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles.
Topics covered
- 1. The concept of quality management 2. History of the development of quality management systems 3. Quality control mechanism 4. Quality management system for maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles 5. Tasks and functions of departments and services of the enterprise for managing the quality of maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles 6. Quality control 7. Quality economics management
When instructed
- 2nd year, 1st semester
List of references and sourses
1. Quality management of maintenance and repair of wheeled vehicles [Electronic resource]: textbook / V. S. Kolchin, Z. V. Gorbunova, 2017. - 100 p. - QC No. E-04065.
2. Quality management of technological processes of TO and R. Content in the electronic educational environment of IRNITU (MOODLE) / https://el.istu.edu/course/view.php?id=6211