Psychology, Pedagogy and Social aspects of Linguistics

In this course, students will study how to regulate their phycological conditions to be more effective and productive in their professional sphere. They also will be able to develop learning paths to enrich their expertise and improve professional skills by applying up-to-date pedagogical methods.

The goal of mastering the discipline

•    prioritise their professional activities and apply effective methods of their improvement based on self-estimation;
•    apply the basic didactic principles and state-of-art techniques to organise and manage teaching/learning process

The skills you get

  • the ability to regulate phycological conditions to be more effective and productive in professional sphere

Topics covered

  • Linguistic education and lingua-didactics (40 hours) Modern education system. Lingua-philosophical basis of studying languages. Principles of lingua-didactics. Modern techniques of language learning and teaching. Cross-cultural communication in professional sphere (24 hours) Theoretical basis of cross-cultural communication. Cross-cultural communication as a part of international collaboration. Cross-cultural skills as an aspect of foreign language teaching. Psychology and didactics of translation (48 hours) Translation and interpreting as kinds of language behaviour. Psychological aspects of translation and interpreting. Structural features of translation and interpreting. Didactical problems of translation and interpreting.

When instructed

  • 2nd year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1.    Kovalev A.N. Psychology and pedagogy in professional spheres, 2014 -104 c., URL: