Academic Writing and Presentation Skills
In this course, students will improve their academic writing, speaking skills, and presentation techniques. The recommended level of language proficiency is English Independent User (B1, B2). The course is directly related to all other courses of the programme that need essays and reports for exams and coursework. Also, it contributes to the final stage of the programme that is Thesis Writing and Defence.
The goal of mastering the discipline
1) demonstrate written and oral use of native and foreign language(s) as a means of solving professional tasks, specifically
2) to present research results using various academic formats including oral or written reports and scientific papers demonstrating effective academic skills
The skills you get
- • be able to express thoughts and understand the main ideas of complex texts on both concrete and abstract topics • be able to produce clear, detailed texts, both in oral and written forms, on a subject of his/her field of specialisation • be able to explain a viewpoint on an issue that is professionally relevant giving the advantages and disadvantages of various options • be able to interact with a degree of fluency and spontaneity discussing the area of expertise• ability to use academic speech strategies in order to make an introduction, to paraphrase, to summarise, to give reasons and examples, to compare and contrast, to generalise, and to conclude • ability to discuss his/her field of expertise using appropriate academic vocabulary, grammar structures, and style • ability to produce written and oral texts that comply with academic standards in order to avoid plagiarism, to observe the rules of using references and quotations, to organise paragraphs, to combine sources, and to present visual information
Topics covered
- 1.1. Language focus (sentence patterns, academic vocabulary, punctuation and style) 1.2. The process of academic writing (background, purpose, formats and features) 1.3. Skills to be effective authors (avoiding plagiarism, accuracy in using references and quotations, organizing paragraphs, combining sources) 1.4. Academic writing strategies (how to make an introduction, to paraphrase, to summarise, to give reasons and examples, to compare and contrast, to generalise, and to conclude) 2.1. How to organise your presentation (opening and closing, smooth structure, Q&A sessions, storytelling) 2.2. How to be specific (visualisation methods and visual aids, facts and figures) 2.3. How to apply impact techniques (body language, voice power, rapport building)
When instructed
- 2nd year, 1st semester