Strategic Planning and Start Up

The course sets out the theoretical and methodological foundations of strategic planning in an industrial enterprise and a start-up. The concept and essence of the strategy is disclosed. The methodological concepts of strategy planning, as well as the methodological foundations for choosing the optimal strategy are studied.

The goal of mastering the discipline

Acquiring knowledge of methods of developing and implementing long-term strategies for organizations and start-ups; getting skills and abilities to analyze the external and internal environment.

The skills you get

  • Know the methods and technologies used in developing a business plan and implementing strategic planning processes.
  • Be able to use the functions of strategic planning when developing a business idea.

Topics covered

  • The role of business planning in the strategic planning process
  • Stages of start-up development
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of start-ups in business plans
  • Methods for analyzing a business plan quality

When instructed

  • 4th year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Stepanov Ju. F. Strategicheskoe planirovanie : uchebno-metodicheskij kompleks dlja special'nosti 080102 "Mirovaja jekonomika" / Ju. F. Stepanov, 2007. - 82.
2. Biznes-planirovanie : ucheb. dlja vuzov po jekon. special'nostjam / V. M. Popov [i dr.]; pod red. V. M. Popova, S. I. Ljapunova, S. G. Mlodik, 2008. - 814.
3. Burov V. P. Biznes-plan firmy : teorija i praktika : uchebnoe posobie dlja studentov po napravleniju 080100 "Jekonomika" i jekonomicheskim special'nostjam / V. P. Burov, A. L. Lomakin, V. A. Moroshkin, 2013. - 190.
4. Metodicheskie ukazanija po samostojatel'noj rabote po discipline "Strategicheskoe planirovanie" [Jelektronnyj resurs]  : napravlenie podgotovki 38.04.02 "Menedzhment": programma "Finansovyj menedzhment": kvalifikacija magistr / Irkut. nac. issled. tehn. un-t, In-t jekonomiki, prava i upr., Kaf. menedzhmenta, 2018. - 7.
5. Kupcova E. V. Biznes-planirovanie : uchebnoe posobie / E. V. Kupcova, 2020. - 435 s