International Strategic Management
The International Strategic Management course introduces students to the theoretical and practical knowledge of how to create and implement strategic plans in commercial companies that are already operating internationally or are just planning to enter the global market. During the course, students study the theory of assessing the external and internal environment of an organization in the context of developing plans for expanding the company in the global market. The stages of the implementation of strategic plans, the reasons for the failures of the implementation of strategic plans, as well as tools for coordinating the work of different business units of an international company are considered.
The goal of mastering the discipline
Acquiring knowledge of methods of developing and implementing long-term strategies for international organizations; getting skills and abilities to analyze the external and internal environment.
The skills you get
- Be able to conduct a strategic analysis of an organization's position in the business environment.
- Know the basic methods of international strategic plans development.
Topics covered
- International strategic management in the process of company management.
- Organization as a complex adaptive system.
- Analysis of the external and internal environment.
- Development of strategic plans.
- Concepts of long-term dynamics of company development.
When instructed
- 4th year, 2nd semester
List of references and sourses
1. Parahina V. N. Strategicheskij menedzhment : uchebnik po special'nosti "Menedzhment organizacii" / V. N. Parahina, L. S. Maksimenko, S. V. Panasenko, 2011. - 495.
2. Litvak B. G. Strategicheskij menedzhment : uchebnik dlja bakalavrov po jekonomicheskim napravlenijam i special'nostjam / B. G. Litvak, 2013. - 507.
3. Fomichev A. N. Strategicheskij menedzhment : uchebnik dlja vuzov po napravleniju "Jekonomika", "Menedzhment organizacii" / A. N. Fomichev, 2014. - 466.
4. Tebekin A. V. Strategicheskij menedzhment : uchebnik dlja akademicheskogo bakalavriata / A. V. Tebekin, 2015. - 333.