International Management

The course covers the theoretical foundations of international management, basic concepts and categories of the discipline. The organizational structures of management of international companies, strategies of international business, adaptation of a foreign company to activities in the host country, personnel policy are considered. The ways of transforming national companies into international ones, methods and techniques of processing commercial information are shown

The goal of mastering the discipline

Formation of theoretical knowledge about the basics of international management and approaches to analyzing the global business environment, skills in implementing strategic and operational analysis of the global business environment and choosing the appropriate business strategy and tactics.

The skills you get

  • Know the basic theoretical principles of international management and approaches to analyzing the global business environment
  • Be able to conduct strategic and operational analysis of the global business environment and choose the appropriate strategy and tactics for entrepreneurial activity
  • Have the skills to independently analyze the global business environment to select business options

Topics covered

  • 1. Theoretical foundations of international management
  • 2. Strategic management in international companies
  • 3. Financial management in international organizations
  • 4. Modern technologies in international management

When instructed

  • 3rd year, 1st semester

List of references and sourses

1. Minaev S. V. Global'naya ekonomika: 2000 god : nauch.-analit. obzor / S. V. Minaev; Ros. akad. nauk, In-t nauch. inform. po obshchestv. naukam, 2001. - 62.
2. Suetin A. A. Mezhdunarodnyj finansovyj rynok : ucheb. po special'nostyam \"Finansy i kredit\"... / A. A. Suetin, 2007. - 263.
3. Pivovarov S. E. Mezhdunarodnyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlya vuzov po special'nosti \"Menedzhment\" / S. E. Pivovarov, L. S. Tarasevich, 2008. - 713.
4. Vladimirova I. G. Mezhdunarodnyj menedzhment : uchebnik po special'nosti \"Menedzhment organizacii\" / I. G. Vladimirova, 2011. - 437.
5. Sejfullaeva M. E. Mezhdunarodnyj menedzhment : uchebnoe posobie po discipline specializacii \"Menedzhment organizacii\" / M. E. Sejfullaeva, 2016. - 227.
6. Blohina T. K. Mirovye finansovye rynki : uchebnik / T. K. Blohina, 2016. - 158.
7. Global'naya ekonomika : enciklopediya / T. F. Ryabova [i dr.]; pod red. I. M. Kulikova, 2011. - 919.
8. Akperov I. G. Informacionnye tekhnologii v menedzhmente : uchebnik dlya vuzov po napravleniyu \"Menedzhment\" i po special'nosti \"Menedzhment organizacij\" / I. G. Akperov, A. V. Smetanin, I. A. Konopleva, 2014. - 399.
9. Eskindarov M. A. Mezhdunarodnyj finansovyj rynok : uchebnoe posobie / M. A. Eskindarov, 2020. - 453 s
10. Romanova Yu. D. Informacionnye tekhnologii v menedzhmente (upravlenii) : uchebnoe posobie / pod red. Yu. D. Romanovoj, 2019. - 411 s