Financial Management
Financial management is the theory of ways to handle a company's finances with the aim to increase its profitability. The questions of the organization of financial resources management in the digital economy, the directions of investment, budgetary, dividend and emission policies and the mechanism of their implementation in the activities of the organization are revealed. Particular attention is paid to the mechanisms and methods of financing the organization's activities.
The goal of mastering the discipline
Acquiring knowledge of methods for assessing and managing cash flows and capital of commercial companies, mastering the skills of making financial and investment decisions in conditions of uncertainty and risk.
The skills you get
- Know the basic methods of financial management; asset management methods; characteristics of financial products and services; types of financial resources of the corporation and sources of their financing.
- Be able to assess assets, to manage working capital, to make investment decisions, to formulate dividend policy, to analyze the financial condition of the company, to determine the price and capital structure
Topics covered
- Goals, objectives and essence of financial management
- Financial management conceptual framework
- Financial management information support
- Methods for analyzing the financial and economic activities of the company
- Financial mathematics in the financial management system
- Analysis of the company's investment decisions
When instructed
- 4th year, 1st semester
List of references and sourses
Finansovyj menedzhment: teorija i praktika : ucheb. dlja vuzov po special'nostjam "Finansy i kredit"... / Stojanova E. C. [i dr.]; pod red. E. S. Stojanovoj, 2008. - 655.
Kovalev V. V. Finansovyj menedzhment: teorija i praktika / V. V. Kovalev, 2008. - 1024.
Finansovyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlja vuzov special'nosti "Finansy i kredit", "Buhgalterskij uchet, analiz i audit" / pod red. E. I. Shohina, 2012. - 474.
Kandrashina E. A. Finansovyj menedzhment : uchebnik po napravleniju "Menedzhment" / E. A. Kandrashina, 2013. - 218.
Sirotkin S. A. Finansovyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlja vuzov po napravlenijam podgotovki 38.03.01 "Jekonomika", 38.03.02 "Menedzhment" (kvalifikacija "bakalavr") / S. A. Sirotkin, N. R. Kel'chevskaja, 2016. - 291.
Finansovyj menedzhment : uchebnik dlja vuzov po special'nostjam "Finansy i kredit"... / E. I. Shohin [i dr.], 2008. - 474.
Shimko P. D. Mezhdunarodnyj finansovyj menedzhment : uchebnik i praktikum dlja bakalavriata i magistratury vuzov po jekonomicheskim napravlenijam i special'nostjam / P. D. Shimko, 2016. - 493.
Kovalev V. V. Finansovyj menedzhment : konspekt lekcij s zadachami i testami: uchebnoe posobie / V. V. Kovalev, Vit. V. Kovalev, 2011. - 504.